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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

OIV at Wine Paris & Vinexpo

OIV general principles of sustainability at Wine Paris and Vinexpo

29.06.2021, b2b Author: Oleksandra Hryhorieva

The OIV representative dived into the OIV general principles of sustainability: environmental, social, economic, and cultural aspects during the last day of the Wine Paris & Vinexpo.

During the Wine Paris & Vinexpo webinar, Tatiana Svinartchuk, Head of Unit Economy & Law at the OIV, shared the structure and working mechanism of the OIV, the organization’s objectives and the historical timeline of the OIV resolutions regarding sustainability in vitiviniculture.

Wine sector is a significant contributor to the sustainable development goals. For the OIV guiding in vitiviniculture sector, an understanding, adoption, and application of the concept of sustainability has been one of the priorities for a number of years.

At the last general assembly of November 2020, the OIV has adopted an important document – The OIV Guidelines for the implementation of principles of sustainable vitiviniculture. This step constitutes the finalization of the entire cycle of works and discussions, which started in 2004 when the first definition of sustainability was developed.

sustainability definition

The document underlines the importance of collective strategies and actions in the sector. It provides various management tools and advice as well as a library of already accepted best practices for each principle of sustainability. These recommendations were accepted via consensus by 48 member-countries.

The OIV devoted 16 years of groundwork to this issue starting from 2004. At that time, the first document was adopted – Development of Sustainable Vitiviniculture. In the following discussions, the OIV started to work on the document explaining how to implement this sustainability definition in practice. Two resolutions were adopted – OIV Guidelines for the sustainable vitiviniculture production, processing and packaging of products (2008) and Guidelines adopted to table grapes and raisins (2011). Before the final resolution, the OIV arrived at the definition of general principles of sustainability in 2016.

Sustainable Vitiviniculture Resolutions

According to the Resolution, there are five principles of sustainability:

  1. The globality – the sustainable approach integrates environmental, social, and economic aspects.
  2. The development of sustainable activities is based on an environmental risk.
  3. Sustainable vitiviniculture is sensitive to social and cultural aspects.
  4. It seizes to maintain economic viability.
  5. Sustainable initiatives require planning and assessment.

To implement the concept, several management tools is proposed such as notification of stakeholders and influencing organizations, prioritization of actions, examples of potential indicators, etc.

Tatiana Svinartchuk

Tatiana Svinartchuk presented a holistic vision of the connection between culture, wine, and sustainability: “Wine is an internationally recognized product. It has impacted the societies’ cultures and landscapes. Cultural heritage nourished by the wine sector cannot be sustainable without considering the undenied cultural product and its impact on producing and consuming societies.”

She underlines that the opposite is also true: “The agricultural product – wine – needs to consider the deep impact it has on the landscape of structure of raw societies, on engaging a collective strategy to share the added value and traditions.”