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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Italian Taste Summit

Tasting: hybrid format

27.04.2021, b2b

In Kyiv, in the tasting zone of the new Wine Gallery store located at the address: P. Nishchinsky Street, 6, the Ukrainian session of the global tasting – Italian Taste Summit – was held, and Drinks+ was the partner of the global tasting in Ukraine.

Together with representatives of local importing companies (offline), as well as colleagues from other countries – Germany, USA, Canada and Russia (who were online with us), we were tasting 33 wines from 11 wineries interested in entering the Ukrainian market and representing nine regions of Italy: Trentino, Lombardy, Piedmont, Friuli, Abruzzo, Marche, Campania, Sicily, and Sardinia.


The specialized event was held in an extremely efficient, from the perspective of the current situation, hybrid format: online communication with producers in the Zoom conference mode, with simultaneous tasting of their wines. Pursuant to the regulations, each of the producers – Conte Vistarino, Terredora, Cascina Chicco, Sa Raja, Conted’Attimis, Mazzola, Ronco Margherita, Baronedi Serramarrocco, San Lorenzo, Endrizzi, La Fortezza – had 15 minutes to present their company and its three wines.

Italian wines

Ukraine also became the leader in terms of the number of professionals who took part in the event: 8 tasters (in compliance with all quarantine measures!); 6 participants were representing Russia, 2 – Canada and Germany, and 1 – the USA.


The event was moderated by our fellow journalist from Poland Tomasz Prange-Barczyński, a reputable wine expert, whom Drinks + columnists have met several times at the wine events around the world.


In order to organize its events in different countries, the Italian Taste Summit team, as a rule, prefers the partnership of specialized media, which, like Drinks+ Communication Media Group, have extensive experience in conducting tastings and presentations of various formats and, at the same time, are covering these professional events. What is no less important: wine journalists know better than anyone else the complex situation in their own market, its key and new importers, distributors, retail and HoReCa operators, and also enjoy undeniable authority with them.


The wines presented at the Ukrainian session of the Italian Taste Summit attracted the interest of domestic importers, which will further strengthen Italy’s position as country No. 1 in terms of import of wines to Ukraine.

Drinks+ would like to thank Anton Dyrul, CEO of Wine Gallery, and Natalia Burlachenko, Brand Ambassador of Vinos de La Luz, for their assistance in organizing the event.