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Я подтверждаю, что мне, увы, уже давно исполнилось 18 летIn 2022, sommelier and restaurant managers intend to be creative in doing business.
Gradually, the hospitality industry is recovering from lockdowns, people are eating out again, but many restaurants are still short of visitors and ready to get creative. So, let’s see!
In the United States, the canned wine segment has grown sharply: according to the international marketing company Nielsen, which is represented in more than 100 countries, there are now 386 variants of this product available in the United States. It remains an ideal choice for to go orders, and thanks to millennials, sales will only increase.
During the pandemic, there was a sharp contrast between retail and restaurant wine prices, which left visitors questioning the appropriateness of the price they pay for wine in the restaurant. Optimizing the wine list and carefully combining the menu will mean rethinking what wines to offer the visitor.
Based on sommelierschoiceawards.com prepared by O. Pinevych-Todoryuk
Photo: sommelierschoiceawards.com