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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Tatoi rare wines

A cache of rare wines and spirits found in Greece

16.07.2021, News

An amazing treasure of rare wines and spirits was found at the Tatoi Palace, the former summer residence of the Greek royal family, located near Athens.

The former country palace of the Greek kings, erected on the beautiful forest-covered mountain Parnis in Attica, keeps many secrets, one of which was revealed a few days ago. During the restoration work in the premises of the residence, a cache was discovered containing more than 4,000 bottles of wines, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Among the rare pieces found in the collection are bottles of Château Margaux, Château de Vincennes and Château Mouton Rothschild, as well as Chivas whiskey in a ceramic bottle, released in a limited edition in honour of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, as well as cans of soft drinks.

Tatoi Palace

The Greek Ministry of Culture, which announced the find, considers it “historically significant” and hopes that as 300 cases have yet to be opened, other treasures of wine are on the way to be revealed.

The Achaia Claus winery team, which was invited to the palace for a consultation, is collecting information and cataloguing. The winery, founded in 1861, is one of the oldest in Greece.

“The Tatoi wine and spirits collection, in addition to its significant collector value, is also of great scientific and research interest. The restoration work to showcase the former royal estate is complex. For the evaluation of the wine collection, we are working with specialist scientists who have know-how, both on an oenological level and for its historic validation,” said the minister of culture, Lina Mendoni.

After the completion of the restoration work and the study of the collection, part of it suitable for exposure will be exhibited to the public in the palace basements.

Prepared by I.Chernova based on thedrinksbusiness.com