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Я подтверждаю, что мне, увы, уже давно исполнилось 18 летThe board of the Association de la Sommellerie (ASI) has announced initiatives to support Ukrainian refugees.
According to ASI President William Wouters “we are all concerned about the fate of our Ukrainian friends, their families and loved ones. The unprovoked war has forced the people of Ukraine to defend themselves against their Russian invaders. Many people have become homeless and millions, mostly women and children, have been forced to leave the country. ASI has prepared an initiative that we hope will help many Ukrainians find work in the hospitality, winery and wine retail sectors in Europe.”
As part of its commitment to support displaced Ukrainians, ASI will organize and promote a platform on their website which allows restaurateurs, vineyard owners, retailers, wine agencies and wine training and educational institutions from across Europe to post job offers exclusively for Ukrainian citizens. Every job offer will be verified by ASI and the job listings will be provided free to employers, wishing to take advantage of the program, for a 4-week period.
Wouters elaborates “the situation in Ukraine requires, first and foremost, financial support initiatives through authorised organizations which provide medicine, food clothing and organise aid for refugees. As such we (ASI) have asked our member associations and supporters to both promote the cause to its members but also to work with their partners to provide financial support for Ukraine. The association has identified proven, established organizations it feels can best provide immediate support.
Polish Humanitarian Action https://www.pah.org.pl/en/
International Red Cross https://www.icrc.org
MSF https://www.msf.org
According to Wouters “we are already seeing our member associations rally behind this important cause, including hosting fund raising initiatives, and supporting Ukraine businesses via seminars and tastings highlighting Ukrainian beverage alcohol products.” To support its members ASI will be utilizing the strength of its social media to support efforts.