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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Welcome back Wednesday

Welcome back Wednesday: a huge success across the board

05.05.2021, News Author: Alexandra Bantysheva
This time last week, London Wine Fair were delighted to host the focused preview day “Welcome back Wednesday” virtually, toasting the phased reopening of hospitality following an incredibly difficult and lengthy period for the on-trade and its suppliers. There were some beautiful virtual stands created, thousands of wines showcased and samples requested, alongside some brilliant sessions; it was a huge success across the board.
Amongst the successes, we were thrilled to see that attendee numbers for both the masterclass tasting (Enotria’s ICON session) and the panel discussion session (Recovery of the On-Trade) were both larger than those of a LWF live event – see below for stats:
  •  1,337 wines/products available to browse;
  • 8 exhibitor pavilions;
  • 104 exhibitor pages;
  • Over 400 individual wine samples requested;
  • 11 different exhibitor sample packs, multiple wines included, available for order;
  • 335 sample packs ordered;
  • 90 sample packs dispatched in advance of the Enotria ICON session;
  • A further 186 visitors watched without samples;
  • 157 live viewers of the Recovery of the On-Trade session.
This is just a small snapshot of what to expect across the three main days on May 17-19, and organizers would love for you to join at the most highly anticipated drinks event this year.
Virtual stands are very quick and simple to set up, and it costs as little as £845 to exhibit. For more information please email a.booth@londonwinefair.com .