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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Burgundy wines

90 minutes to become an expert in Burgundy wines

17.08.2021, News

The interprofessional organization provides amateurs with an online training module consisting of films, 360° photos, testimonials, and a quiz on the Burgundy vineyard.

In collaboration with winegrowers and merchants, the Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne (BIVB) has developed a completely free e-learning module.

In 90 minutes, everyone can discover the specificities of the vineyard. In addition, this is an interesting tool for restaurateurs or wine merchants wishing to train their staff.

Fun and interactive

The BIVB wanted to make this module fun and interactive. It consists of videos, 360° photos, testimonials, files which you can download, and quizzes grouped under four themes.

“Meet the wines of Burgundy” allows you to consolidate your knowledge of the region and its history; “365 days in Burgundy” introduces you to the main stages of production and delves into the heart of the development of Burgundy wines; “Taste the wines of Burgundy”, allows you to learn the vocabulary and a better expression of the sensations felt during the tastings; and “Advise and support your clients” helps in particular to create your own wine cellar.

The module can be followed online or downloaded to occupy one’s journeys by train or plane. It is available in four languages: French, English, Chinese, or Japanese.

Photo: BIVB