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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Picpoul de Pinet

AOP Picpoul de Pinet has a new coordinator

22.04.2021, News

Since 22-nd of March the Languedoc AOP Picpoul de Pinet has a new coordinator, Celeste Renault.

Previously, Celeste specialized in international and European law, but after an internship at the Union of Winegrowers in the small French region of Roussillon Côte Vermeille (Syndicat des vignobles de la Cote Vermeille), Celeste Renault decided to make the protection of the name of Picpoul de Pinet wines her main activity.

The Picpoul de Pinet appellation occupies 1,500 hectares, consists of four wine cooperatives and 24 private wineries. The region produces about 10 million liters of wine per year, of which 65% is exported.

Photo: facebook.com/celeste.renault.9