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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Bordeaux Wine Festival

Bordeaux celebrates Wine: the 2021 edition of Bordeaux Wine Festival

14.06.2021, News

From June 17 to 20, the Bordeaux Wine Festival will be held in a revisited format. This year, the focus of the event is on restaurateurs and wine merchants, with the aim of covering the whole of the Metropolis. This is the first attempt for the new administration of Bordeaux, which represents the ecologists political force, to encourage producers committed to an eco-responsible approach.

This year, there will be no big crowd, neither large pavilion on the Garonne quays for winegrowers in the South-West. Instead, the Bordeaux Wine Festival will take place with restaurateurs and wine merchants in the Metropolis, in solidarity with those merchants affected by the crisis, and where visitors can attend tastings and meet producers.

“It was important to support the region’s economic recovery, and to encourage visitors to return to restaurants and wine merchants’ cellars, during the Wine Festival, but also afterwards,” explains Brigitte Bloch, President of the Tourism Office of Bordeaux Métropole. As such, we are setting up a big draw among all those who have enjoyed a drink in the partner establishments to win a meal.”

Two hundred vouchers for an amount of 90 euros are thus put into play, in connection with the establishments participating in the festival and which will host a series of events between June 17 and 20.

Beyond adaptation to the health context, the organizers thus hope “to see the wine festival reverberate throughout the city”. Sandrine Jacotot, assistant to the Bordeaux City Hall in charge of shops, would like the next editions to settle there permanently:

“Ultimately, the Festival will no longer have to focus just on the Quais de Garonne. This is an opportunity for all residents to come and meet our winegrowers in the bars, restaurants, and cellars of our neighborhoods, who are the best ambassadors of the sector. The aim is also to allow a better dialogue between producers and traders “, enthuses the elected official, wine merchant.

Faced with the under-representation of Bordeaux wines on the cards of the city’s restaurateurs – only 30% according to the figures announced by the deputy, Sandrine Jacotot hopes that the Festival will strengthen the links between restaurateurs and small producers, left outside of classic sales channels.

Bordeaux Wine Festival map

When red turns green

This new edition will also seek to encourage the promotion of eco-responsible wines from local production. The opportunity for the Interprofessional Council of Bordeaux Wine (CIVB), through the voice of Christophe Chateau, to insist on “65% of the surfaces of Bordeaux vineyards engaged in an eco-responsible approach”, while the appellation counts barely 7% organic vines.

Despite everything, the organizers wish to demonstrate a supportive approach above all, aware that conversions to organic – 23% of surfaces according to the CIVB – take place over a long period of time. While around thirty organic winegrowers will have their wines tasted in Darwin where a tasting concert will be held on June 19, hosted by the Young Symphony Orchestra of Entre-deux-Mers (JOSEM), made up of around sixty young people of under 25 years old.

The Aquitaine Organic Wines Union is also joining the solidarity concert organized by the radio France Bleu on June 19 at Pin Galant. It is reserved for professionals who have been “on the front line” of the health crisis. Health workers, maintenance workers, truck drivers, cashiers, and many more: on this occasion, the 450 participants will be able to leave with a free bottle of organic wine.

The entire Wine Festival program is available on its website. Tastings on heritage sailboats that will dock on the Quays, themed hikes, guided tours in museums: Bordeaux is active to offer a wide range of activities for amateurs and insiders.

Based on the materials of rue89bordeaux