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Gastronomy and Wine Portal


Chilean winery revives the lost art of ampelography

12.08.2021, News

The Montgras winery has released a new collection, with the help of which it intends to bring the forgotten craft of ampelography back to life.

Nowadays, the ancient art of ampelography, thanks to which it is possible to identify various grape varieties by the color and shape of their leaves, has receded into the shadows due to the development of modern technologies. Today all ampelographic information about genotypes (varieties, forms, and clones) necessary for variety study, introduction, and selection, are accumulated in the data banks of the grape gene pool.

To pique the interest of young wine lovers in the arts, Montgras has launched the De Vine collection of 11 wines, each labeled with a matching grape leaf. The QR code on the back of the bottle allows consumers to learn more about each variety and the visuals of its grape leaves.


“There are over 14,000 different grape varieties and they all look a little different, so we decided to include a real photo of the corresponding grape leaf on the label of each wine to give consumers an idea of what it looks like,” says Adolfo Hurtado Cerda, Managing Director of Montgras.

To work on the collection, the winery hired the famous designer Ximena Ureta, who has worked with Chilean wineries for 25 years. “Today, wine label design has become very important to the success of new collections, as labels can attract consumers and contribute to brand awareness in the market. It is important that the quality of the packaging matches the quality of its contents. I will celebrate the new dawn of ampelography by raising my glass of wine,” said Ureta.

Photo: montgras.cl