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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Cognac Park:

Cognac Park: the Japanese touch

10.01.2022, News

In this quest for the finish cask that the Charentaise brandy has known for several years, the Park house has gone to Japan to refine its cognac. Meeting of two worlds that the taste for precision brings together.

The Tessendier family, who preside over the destinies of cognacs Park, offers a collection of cognacs ranging from the most traditional to the most unexpected. Of these, Cognac-based distillers have traveled across the globe in search of an oak variety, Mizunara, which is used for aging Japanese spirits, starting with premium whiskeys. We find these trees in the Nikko Forest.

Cognac Park:

From there, the Tessendiers chose a 12-year-old Borderies cognac to refine it in these special barrels for 9 months. Beyond the codes of the whiskey that serve the packaging, the eau-de-vie contained in the bottle is surprising with its suave notes of vanilla, citrus fruits with a spicy finish. At 44%, this Japanese oak finish is no less elegant. It is an experience in the world of cognac.

The Tessendier et Fils Distillery was founded 130 years ago. The cellar masters, Jérôme and Lilian Tessendier, represent the 4th generation.

Park Aged 12 Years Mizunara: 95 euros for 70 cl.