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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Soneva Fushi

Fly over the jungle and eat in the treetops

23.11.2021, News

Soneva Fushi in the Maldives presents Flying Sauces, the world’s first gourmet zipline.

Soneva Fushi in the Maldives presents Flying Sauces, the world’s first gourmet zipline attraction. After descending a 200-meter zipline trail above the tropical jungle, guests find themselves in a panoramic restaurant with a gourmet menu (12 meters above the ground).

Soneva Fushi

“At Soneva we are passionate about elevating the guest experience to something that is unique and rare, and our new Flying Sauces does just that – creating an experiential dining moment to create long-term memories for our guests. This new experience gives our guests a new perspective of our unique island eco-system, allowing them to reconnect with the sights and sounds of nature while enjoying fine dining hospitality at the same time,” said Sonu Shivdasani, CEO and Co-Founder, Soneva.

Soneva Fushi

Those wishing to make a “flight” over the tropical forest are securely fastened with seat belts, afterwards the descent along the zipline track begins. There is a stop halfway through – the brave heroes will be offered shots and light snacks. The final stop of the journey is a gourmet restaurant.

Soneva Fushi

Set on a tree-topped veranda, the establishment offers sumptuous panoramic views and gourmet cuisine from Chef Rasal Jayawardene. Everything is prepared here, in the open kitchen.

Soneva Fushi

To create his culinary masterpieces, Rasal Jayawarden uses local seasonal vegetables, fruits, herbs and mushrooms, fish and seafood are provided by local fishermen. Particular attention is paid to the selection of wines from the Soneva cellars, in the collection of which there are more than 9000 items.

Soneva Fushi

The zipline and Flying Sauces restaurant are open during daylight hours. In addition to lunches, breakfasts and teas are prepared for guests. You can also go for a zipline ride without a gastronomic component. The attraction is available for adults and children from 8 years old. It takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete the route.

More detailed information can be found here.

Photo: Collection-PR