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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Honcharna Hora

Winery Honcharna Hora

11.04.2021, Travel Author: Alexandra Bantysheva

The author of “Honcharna Hora” (the “Potter’s Mountain”) non-commercial wine project is Anton Liapin, a garage winemaker. He established his production in Kharkiv Region, where he grows grapes and produces a quality product. He has been growing the varieties that belong to both Vitis vinifera and complex interspecific hybrids.

The winery’s name reflects its location: the village of Novaya Vodolaga was the land of potters, and many pottery fragments are still found in the ground. Anton Liapin decided not to ignore this historical feature: you can see various pottery fragments on each bottle.

pottery fragments

On numerous occasions, Anton Liapin’s wines participated in competitions and won medals. For example, at the All-Ukrainian Tasting Competition for the best Ukrainian wine Uwines Awards 2019, Chardonnay 2018 from “Honcharna Hora” won a bronze medal. At the same time, in 2019, within a framework of the project “Wine Games”, which regularly conducts various tastings, the same Chardonnay 2018 was ranked 6-th among the specimens from all over the world. At the competitions among winemakers of Kharkiv Region, 5 wines from “Honcharna Hora” were ranked first in their respective categories: 3 in rosé, 1 in white, and 1 in red.

wine in glass

Anton Liapin believes that garage winemaking initially presupposes an author’s approach to winemaking, experiments with technology and verification methods.

Recently, the winemaker began experimenting with Pét-Nats: he used Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Riesling, Citron Maharacha, and Johanniter varieties; those were primarily blends with various proportions.