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Gastronomy and Wine Portal


Hungarian spirit drinks produced from wild pears have gained the status of Protected Geographical Indication

27.04.2021, News

Vasivadkörtepálinka has supplemented the list of Hungarian Protected Geographical Indications.

The Hungarian spirit drinks made from wild pears have led to increase of a number of the Hungarian Protected Geographical Indications which are protected by the EU, up to 66 items.

Vasivadkörtepálinka has become the ninth Pálinka which was granted the EU’s protection, among other names that were registered earlier: Pálinka, Törkölypálinka, Békésiszilvapálinka, Göncibarackpálinka, Kecskemétibarackpálinka, Szabolcsialmapálinka, Szatmáriszilvapálinka, and Újfehértóimeggypálinka.

Vasivadkörtepálinka is produced at the distilleries located in Vas and Zala counties, using only wild pears harvested in these counties. The drink has a bright pear aroma, astringent and spicy taste with honey notes.

The use of geographical indications is a tool available to the producers, which may bring significant economic benefits. According to EU statistical data published in January of 2020, the selling price for an agricultural product with a geographical indication is, on the average, twice as high as that for the product without a geographical indication.