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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Cherry Home from Honey Badger

Medal in the piggy bank of “Honey Badger”

07.07.2021, News

The drink of a young Ukrainian brand “Honey Badger” was awarded at an international competition.

At the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC), one of the most famous and prestigious international competitions in the field of alcoholic beverages, which takes place in London, the jury awarded a bronze medal to Cordial “Cherry Home” from the Ukrainian company Honey Badger.

The family business, founded in 2015, produces traditional drinks according to revived recipes that the brand owners – Yulia Kalenskaya and Artem Skubenko – are looking for throughout Ukraine. Currently, the company plans to enter export markets. And the first steps in this direction have already been taken, as evidenced by the awards received by the brand at international competitions, including a medal at the IWSC.

Honey Badger

The International Wine & Spirit Competition is one of the most famous wine and spirits competitions in the world. The jury members of the competition are leading professionals in the alcohol industry, including producers, sommeliers, distributors, and critics from all over the world. To maintain the high-quality standards of the competition, technical means are improved annually, the criteria for evaluating alcoholic beverages are clarified and toughened. Therefore, the IWSC award is a mark of the international quality standard.

Congratulations to Honey Badger and we wish you new victories!