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Gastronomy and Wine Portal


OIV: new presidency, official language and headquarters

13.07.2021, News

The 19th OIV General Assembly approved 19 resolutions on 12th July, elected a new president and heads of working bodies. An occasion also, for the French government to propose Dijon to the OIV member states as host city for the new organisation’s headquarters, and to adopt Russian as the 6th official language of the OIV.

First and foremost, the OIV proceeded with the personnel update. The new President was elected. Luigi Moio now assumes a 3-year mandate, succeeding Regina Vanderlinde. The Scientific and Technical Committee has also been renewed with new heads of working bodies elected.

Luigi Moio has been a scientific expert for the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Policies since 1998. From 2009 to 2014 he was Chairman of the Technology Expert Group of the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) and from 2015 to 2018 of the Oenology Commission. He was the OIV’s 2nd Vice-President.

Luigi Moio

Dijon proposed as the new OIV host city

Following the elections, the long-awaited proposal from the French government concerning the new host city of the OIV headquarters was presented. Dijon was chosen by the French Ministry of Agriculture over Bordeaux and Reims candidatures.

Welcoming the headquarters of the OIV by international agreement, the French state provides the rent for the OIV and must now find a lasting solution. Due to changes of owner and destination, the OIV left its opulent Parisian address of 18, rue d’Aguesseau (which it had occupied since 1966) for 35, rue de Monceau (still in the 8th district of Paris) at the end of 2019. But it was a short-term solution as the organization needs more space in new premises.

In view of the French proposal, the OIV Member States now have a period of reflection and will vote on whether to accept it at the next meetings in October 2021.

Russian language adopted

After several months of negotiations, Russian has been adopted by the OIV Member States. This will be the 6th OIV official language to be adopted. This new measure will enable the Russian-speaking community to better understand and appropriate the international standards and practices that the OIV has adopted to improve the conditions of production and marketing of vine and wine products.

Based on the OIV press release

Photos: OIV