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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Gérard Bertran

Orange Gold 2020 by Gérard Bertran:  Languedoc wine, Georgian tunes

15.03.2021, News

Last week, the Languedoc star Gérard Bertran, renowned for his creativity, introduced during an online tasting his first Orange wine from the new 8th category of wines put on the OIV list in 2020.

As reported by thedrinksbusiness.com, Orange Gold 2020 is a blend of six varieties of Chardonnay, Viognier, Grenache Blanc, Marsanne, Mozac and Muscat. The first amber wine from the famous winemaker combines the traditions of Georgian winemaking and modern technologies used for the wines originating in the south of France.

As it became known, the release of orange wine had been preceded by a thorough study of styles and notes, and for that purpose Monsieur Bertrand and a team of oenologists tested 75 of the best amber wines in the world. According to the master, some of them evoked his admiration and others disappointment.

As a result, the winemaker set a goal to create the wine pursuant to the classic technologies of Kakheti, but in a modern, fresh style that is not deviating far from the Georgian traditions. As you know, according to the rules of Georgian winemakers, grapes are sent for fermentation in whole bunches and the processes of vinification take place with the pulp in order to ensure that the wine has a characteristic orange color and tannins.

Bearing that task in mind, the grape varieties were being selected. In addition, the winemaker was attracted by their aromatic complexity, when an expressive flavor of each variety was being combined into a balanced bouquet. According to Gerard Bertrand, Orange Gold has “an unusual profile, amazing refinement, reflecting the liveliness, minerality and freshness inherent in the wines of the southern France”. Among the flavors found in the wine are: white flowers, including fleur-d’orange, candied fruits, grapefruit notes and white pepper. Technological processes were also adjusted for the intended purposes, therefore, both oak barrels and steel containers were used.

According to the winemaker, he is especially proud of sweet bitterness – a particular bitterness in the aftertaste – which, in his opinion, whets appetite. He recommends pairing Orange Gold with hard cheeses and spicy dishes. Orange Gold 2020 is on sale on Gerard Bertrand’s website at a price of € 12.50 per bottle.

Among the winemaker’s novelties, which we would also like to draw your attention to, are two wines under the Prima Nature label, produced without sulfites: Chardonnay and Shiraz.

These wines are made of grapes from the old vines with low yields. The winemaker has been working on their production for three years. Both wines are vegan-certified. In order to clarify the wines, legumes were used as an alternative to egg white. According to the producer, they can be aged for more than two years. Profile’s key aspects: freshness and balance.