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Gastronomy and Wine Portal


Pinot grigio haute couture

04.06.2021, News

The designer of the fashion house Moschino has designed pinot grigio of the famous Italian winery Ecco Domani.

A professional career of Jeremy Scott, creative director of the world’s most famous Italian fashion brand Moschino, began in 1996 when he moved to Paris after graduating from Pratt Institute in New York. In the same year, the Italian company Ecco Domani released its first pinot grigio.

In subsequent years, Jeremy Scott declared himself as a rebel from the fashion world and one of the most promising couturiers of our time, having worked with a number of world stage and film stars. And Ecco Domani became one of the most recognizable pinot grigio brands in the world. Now they have teamed up to create a limited-edition wine collection.

Having received an offer from an Italian wine brand, Scott immediately decided that the new line would be a tribute to the 90s – the time when both he and the winery were just starting their activities: “The 90s are a bright and bold pop culture, so, I used this frantic energy in the design of the bottles, combined with colorful graphics.”

Ecco Domani & Jeremy Scott 2020 Pinot Grigio hits store shelves in June for $12 a bottle.