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Я подтверждаю, что мне, увы, уже давно исполнилось 18 летCreated in 2017, the start-up Scanopy is booming. Specialising in agronomic cartography of vines, it helps professionals make the right decisions.
While talking to winegrowers from Quincy, François Gallet and Pierre-Christophe Mesnil, both engineers and childhood friends, had the idea of creating their start-up. Together, they have invented solutions using artificial intelligence that will save time for winegrowers and help them better manage their viticultural work. Growing larger, farms are now more and more difficult to manage.
A drone scans a plot by flying over it. From the information gathered, a diagnosis is made. It will highlight the appearance of disease outbreaks, locate missing plants or monitor tests of different treatments on the same plot. Web and mobile apps will allow then the winegrower to better target his interventions.
Three years were devoted to the design of these tools which was carried out in co-construction with the Sicavac (Interprofessional service for agronomic advice, vinification and analyses of the Centre) and technicians from the Chambers of Agriculture. The start-up then relied on a network of distributors of agricultural products to promote its solutions. After its beginnings in the Centre Val de Loire and Anjou, Scanopy now operates throughout the French vineyard.
“We are in a context where agriculture is being fundamentally shaken up on the one hand by global warming and on the other hand by globalization with increased competition for exports,” explains François Gallet, Managing Director. In addition, winegrowers will have to halve the use of phytosanitary products in the coming years. For all these reasons, it is important to master your production tool well.”
After a slowdown in 2020 because of the crisis, activity is off to a good start. The goal is to triple or even fivefold turnover in 2022 with two recruitments to add to the eight current employees.
All over France, more and more winegrowers are interested in the solutions offered by Scanopy. The start-up also plans to extend its solutions developed for vines to other tree crops (apple trees, olive trees, etc.).
Prepared by O. Hryhorieva based on francebleu.fr