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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

SliVino Village

Winery SliVino Village

08.04.2021, Travel Author: Alexandra Bantysheva

The Molchanov family received their first harvest and first wine in 2016. And already in 2018, these starting winemakers became the owners of the first license for craft winemaking in Ukraine. That is why SliVino Village rightfully calls itself the first craft winery in Ukraine.

SliVino Village is located in the historical area, which during the period of time from 1900 to 1917 was one of the largest chateau in Nikolayev Region, that was founded by Anatoly Bredikhin, speaker of the City Duma, who received the right to produce wines under his own trademark. In 2012, the Molchanov founded a winery here and are actively working to unite the Ukrainian winemakers.

SliVino Village winery has established a 6-hectare vineyard on the historic slopes of the Southern Bug River. Both Ukrainian and European grape varieties are grown here: Cabernet, Odessa Black, Chardonnay, Sukholimansky White, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Saperavi, Rkatsiteli, etc.


At the production facilities, the wine is fermented using wild yeast, without additives and preservatives. “We make high-quality Ukrainian wine!” – they say at the winery.

The family-run winery offers wine tasting tours led by Georgiy Molchanov, co-owner of the winery and assistant to the chief winemaker of SliVino Village Mikhail Molchanov. Georgiy Molchanov is the Chairman of the Black Sea Craft Winemakers’ Association. The Association was established in 2019, bringing together more than ten winemakers from Nikolaev, Kherson and Odessa Regions. The purpose of the organization is to protect the interests of small businesses, popularize craft winemaking, hold festivals and register geographical indications.

The creators of SliVino Village have founded a wine festival, and organize events, concerts and tours.

slivino bottle

During a tour around their winery, producers talk about the traditions of growing grapes in the region, about  peculiarities of the soil and climate, and about vine and grape varieties. The tastings are conducted by Olga Molchanova, Chief Sommelier of SliVino Village.

Every year, the winemakers take part in tasting competitions Uwines Awards, where professionals and amateurs choose the best Ukrainian wines. SliVino Village was awarded a silver medal for Cabernet 2017 and two bronze medals for Chardonnay 2018 and Riesling 2018.