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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Barnbugle Castle

Sotheby’s and Distillers’ Charity to hold joint auctions

29.07.2021, News

The famous auction house and the charitable division of the London Worshipful Company of Distillers have agreed to cooperate on the sale of unique Scotch whiskey samples to support disadvantaged young people in Scotland.

The partnership will last six years, during which three auctions will be held, where ultra-rare and unique drinks will be presented for sale. The first auction, titled “The Distillers One of One”, will take place at Barnbugle Castle near Edinburgh on December 3, 2021. The auction will feature over 40 lots showcasing the craftsmanship, innovation and value of Scotch whiskey, with a total initial cost of lots of 250,000 pounds.

All funds raised through the auction will go to a foundation created by The Distillers’ Charity, which aims to support disadvantaged young people in Scotland, change their living conditions and provide them with opportunities for positive change in their lives.

Jonathan Driver, Master of The Worshipful Company of Distillers, said: “Our ties with the Scotch Whisky Industry have been invaluable in creating this landmark sale, and the generosity shown has been overwhelming. Across the spectrum of the industry from independents to family-owned and global companies, we have come together in a collective endeavour to support the youth of today in Scotland through practical training and education. We are also delighted to have Sotheby’s on board to help with our philanthropic mission which will have far-reaching benefits for decades to come.”