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Я подтверждаю, что мне, увы, уже давно исполнилось 18 летFor the first time, Vinnytsia’s food producers will present their products at the International Gastronomic Fair of Dijon (France), which will run from October 30 to November 11.
The annual International Gastronomic Fair – Foire de Dijon – will take place in the French city of Dijon from October 30 to November 11. This year will mark the 100th anniversary of the event. Separate halls of the festival pavilion are prepared for participants from other countries who represent the gastronomic heritage of their homeland. This year, along with Italy, India, Canada and Ireland, Ukraine will be among the guests for the first time.
Recently, Vinnytsia producers and craftsmen, representatives of the city municipality and regional authorities met with the coordinator of the Ukrainian pavilion at the International Gastronomic Fair in Dijon, Tetiana Iablonska, at the city council. Tatiana Desoche, a representative of the Foire de Dijon, was also in direct contact via online with the participants of the meeting. Vinnytsia entrepreneurs also took part in the event, among whom not only craft gastro producers were presented, but also representatives of large technological facilities.
“Ukrainians have not yet presented their products here,” said Ms. Desosh. – We will be glad to see the richness of your culture and gastronomy. You will have the opportunity not only to sell your own, but also to taste someone else’s. Please pay attention to the following detail: if the Dijon people like something once, they will constantly buy it in the future.”
Vinnytsia residents were acquainted with the program of the event: the organizers will invite those interested to participate in culinary competitions, workshops, round tables, gastronomic shows, restaurant courtyards and more.
At the end of the conversation, Ms. Desosh reminded Ukrainians of a special feature of the French: “We love to taste something, especially when it is new to us. That is why the Foire Dijon is of great interest every year, it is eagerly awaited every year.”
Tetiana Iablonska, stand consolidator, also highlighted the concept of the Ukrainian stand and the presentation of the Vinnytsia region. The Foire de Dijon will be an opportunity to present Ukrainian food products, industrial goods and culture of our country, as well as to learn the tastes of the French in order to successfully enter the foreign market.
Photo: Vinnytsia City Council
Prepared by O. Hryhorieva