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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

London Wine Fair

Welcome Back Wednesday: on-trade recovery content announced

21.04.2021, News

The organisers of the London Wine Fair have announced the schedule of content for what will be the event’s first ever preview day, “Welcome Back Wednesday”. 

Taking place on Wednesday, 28th April – the mid-point between the opening of outdoor and indoor hospitality – the day has been created to give the on-trade industry an opportunity to preview new wines, assess opening strategies and gear up for the end of Lockdown.

A number of U.K. based companies, all with a focus on the on-trade, will be exhibiting at Welcome Back Wednesday in addition to the May event, and will show new launches and new vintages specifically for this sector.  These include:  ABS Wine Agencies; Ally Wines; Alpasión Wine; Enotria & Coe; Fells; Hallgarten; Hatch Mansfield; and Noel Young Wines.

Content for the day is focused exclusively on the on-trade, and includes:

10.00: “Recovery of the On-Trade”

Hosted by Richard Siddle, this panel session will evaluate the status of the re-opening to date, two weeks in, and assess how the full re-opening can be successfully managed.  The panel will feature:  Xavier Rousset MS of Black Book, Blandford Comptoir and TRADE app; Enotria & Coe Managing Director, Ants Rixon; Publican, Heath Ball, owner of The Red Lion & Sun, Wenlock Arms, The Anchor Tap, and The Lockhart Tavern; and Katie Jenkins of Kam Media.

12.00: “Talk Uncorked”

Hosted by The Drinks Community – the professional network for drinks industry professionals set up by The Drinks Trust – the session will introduce the help available for hospitality staff affected by the Pandemic.  This will be followed by a “break out” session for attendees to share their tips, concerns, pitfalls and opportunities for re-opening.

14.00: “Enotria & Coe Iconic Winemakers”
Enotria & Coe will host an unmissable Tasting Masterclass featuring nine wines from iconic Old and New World estates. All of these wines are available to the on-trade.  The all-star line-up includes:  d’Arenberg; Joseph Drouhin; Planeta; Chateau Ste. Michelle; and Maison Trimbach.

Visitor registration for the 40th London Wine Fair and Welcome Back Wednesday is now open. Those intending to access tasting samples for the Masterclass are encouraged to sign up by 23rd April. Attendees will receive their networking login two days prior to the event. Tickets, which will cost £25, will give access to live content on both 28th April and between 17th and 19th May, as well as access to the virtual exhibitor stands, the sampling platform and recorded content for three months.