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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

World wine consumption


27.05.2021, News

According to the OIV, global wine consumption fell to its lowest level since 2002.

According to the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), world wine consumption fell to its lowest level since 2002: last year, world wine consumption was 234 million hectoliters. In 2020, these indicators decreased by 3%. The OIV reports that this is the lowest amount of wine drunk in any year since 2002.

The report of the International Organization of Vine and Wine says that perhaps this situation is related to Covid-19, and the drop is comparable to what was observed after the global financial crisis of 2008-2009.

“The sparkling wines category was hit the hardest in 2020, with the exception of Prosecco,” the OIV said in a report. “Bag-in-box wine sales have grown, although overall volumes remain low.”

wine consumption

According to the OIV, wine consumption in China fell by about 17% last year, a “sharp drop” for the third consecutive year. The United States remains stable compared to 2019. The International Organization of Vine and Wine attributed this to the transition to the global online commerce which helped mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic.

Top 10 countries that drink wine the most:

  • USA – 33 million hl (unchanged from 2019)
  • France – 24.7 million hl (at the level of 2019)
  • Italy – 24.5 million hectoliters (7.5% increase)
  • Germany – 19.8 million hectoliters (0.2% increase)
  • United Kingdom – 13.3 million hl (2.2% increase)
  • China – 12.4 million hl (17.4% decrease)
  • Russia – 10.3 million hectoliters (3% increase)
  • Spain – 9.6 million hectoliters (6.8% decrease)
  • Argentina – 9.4 million hectoliters (6.5% increase)
  • Australia – 5.7 million hectoliters (3.7% decrease).

Prepared by A. Bantysheva based on decanter.com

Photos: crafta.ua, vinshkaf.medium.com