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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Yes We Wine

Wine: Yes We Wine gives value to tasting data

07.05.2021, HoReCa Author: Oleksandra Hryhorieva 

Through its mobile application, Yes We Wine allows wine professionals to compile all of their tasting data so that they can then be compared with other vintages or with notes recorded by other tasters. The startup, which claims 3,000 users worldwide, is simultaneously launching a platform dedicated to data analysis and event facilitation.

“It’s hard to do a tasting with a glass, a sheet of paper, and a pencil when you only have two hands,” – jokes Vincent Pichot, co-founder of Yes We Wine. Behind this very simple idea of replacing the good old handwritten board with a digital notebook, this young Bordeaux company, founded in 2019, under takes to highlight the data accumulated over the various tastings that punctuate the life of wine professionals, whether they are buyers, wine merchants, owners, or enlightened amateurs.

Available on iOS and Android, the Yes We Wine application lists hundreds of thousands of wines. During a tasting, a starting point is to enter the domain and the vintage concerned to launch the eight-step tool through which the taster will synthesize their assessments. For each wine tested, the application generates a summary sheet kept in memory of the user’s profile who thus has a library of their past experiences.

The eight-step tool provides a taster with the following evaluation criteria, such as acolour, nose flavours, and intensity, palate flavours, concentration, and length, balance of acidity, tannin, and alcohol. In the end, there is a possibility to leave your comment and five-star score.

These data are available for a comparison with those of other tasters either publicly or through private groups organized, for example, in the context of specialized events. “When I taste wine, I need to be able to compare myself whether with another vintage or with the opinions of other tasters,” summarizes the entrepreneur.

A B2B / B2B2C model

Free for the end user, the Yes We Wine application adopts a resolutely B2B positioning. “We are not intended to sell wine, that is why we do not offer to scan the labels”, – specifies Vincent Pichot referencing to the Danish-American juggernaut Vivino which recently carried out a monumental fundraising campaign of nearly 130 million euros.

The Bordeaux startup has chosen to base its economic model on the added value of its tasting data.Since the beginning of the year, it has been offering professionals in the sector to use its platform to organize their tastings, with the possibility of accessing statistical dashboards that will summarize and compile the scores of the various testers, whether they arephysically gathered in the same place or distributed to the different parts of the world.The platform also has a module dedicated to facilitation conducive to the organization of masterclasses or shared sessions.

Passed by Bordeaux Technowest, Yes We Wine joined le Village by CA at the beginning of the year. It also entered the Microsoft for Startups program. Funded mainly on own funds, with the help of regional grants, it claims 3,000 users in 70 countries for its application available in four languages (French, English, Chinese and Russian). At the end of March, Yes We Wine launched a modest crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, aimed at accelerating the development of future features. For example, it plans to add a “My coach” button to its mobile application which will offer a centralized view of the different tastings performed by the user.

For the materials of placeco.fr