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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Decanter World Wine Awards

After the military invasion of Ukraine, wine contests deny the aggressor’s participation

15.03.2022, News

The Decanter World Wine Awards cancels applications from Russian wineries, and the Balkans International Wine Competition and Balkan Wine Festival give preferences to participants from Ukraine.

The organizers of the Decanter World Wine Awards have stated that after the recent military invasion of Ukraine, DWWA cancels applications from Russian wineries, their wines will not participate in the evaluation.

By supporting Ukrainian participants, DWWA exempts them from the mandatory financial levy. “And although winemakers around the world have much more in common than what separates them, we feel we need to stand up for ourselves now. DWWA organizers believe in peace as soon as possible and send best wishes to all victims.”

The organizers of the Balkans International Wine Competition and the Balkan Wine Festival, wine competitions that will take place on June 1-3 in Greece (Salamis) and June 16-18 in Bulgaria (Sofia), respectively, condemn the atrocities of the aggressor in Ukraine.

“We care about the people who are at the epicenter of this horror and express our support to them, we want Ukrainians to return to their normal lives and work again, laugh, love and live in peace,” said the organizers of the Balkans International Wine Competition and Balkan Wine Festival.

The organizers of both Balkan events emphasize that Ukraine has demonstrated the rapid and unique development of its wine industry and, supporting Ukrainian participants, will provide:

London Wine Fair

London Wine Fair, which decided to support the Wine Travel Awards and became the Official Exhibition Partner of the new format of the wine tourism award, announced that it is ready to provide an opportunity for Ukrainian wine producers to be presented free of charge at the event at a joint stand. Our winemakers only need to deliver their samples to London on their own.

“Our hearts are with Ukraine. We stand in solidarity with our information partner Drinks+ and the organizers of the Wine Travel Awards,” said LWF representatives.

Prepared by O. Bantysheva based on materials from decanter.com, facebook.com/galina.t.niforou

Photo: decanter.com, facebook.com/londonwinefair