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Я подтверждаю, что мне, увы, уже давно исполнилось 18 летFor the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence 46 Parallel presents a new wine “Proudly Ukrainian”.
“Proudly Ukrainian” is the name of a limited release of author’s premium wines from the Grand Admiral collection, created by winemakers of 46 Parallel Wine Group for the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence.
Grand Admiral Merlot-Cabernet Sauvignon Proudly Ukrainian is a unique blend created from the best Ukrainian grapes of the 2018 harvest. Premium author’s vintage wine is presented in a limited edition – only 530 bottles. The wine is characterized by unsurpassed aroma and luxury of taste, and has a rich hue typical of a classic Bordeaux blend. The wine is aged for 24 months in French barrels of Seguin Moreau of roasting level “medium” and “medium +” and marked by further aging in the bottle. Exquisite full-bodied wine with soft tannins, complex structure with shades of cherry, plum, black berries, chocolate and saffian will definitely not leave indifferent the most demanding wine gourmets.
Anna Horkun, CEO and owner of 46 Parallel Wine Group:
“We create our wines with pride for Ukraine. We are sincerely proud that our company has been developing on independent Ukrainian soil. We celebrate 30 years of Independence with a limited collection of Proudly Ukrainian wines, with which we express our sincere gratitude to all those who are building a strong, free, successful Ukraine.”
Unique in terms of brand aesthetics is the design of a new release – a circular label emphasizes the solemnity of the event to which it is dedicated.
Artem Husev, Associate Creative Director Tabasco:
“With the white color of the label, we wanted to emphasize the uniqueness of the wine and the importance of the event itself – the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence. One of the tasks was to highlight it in the lineup while maintaining the recognizability of the style of the 46 Parallel brand. The routes of travelers and researchers, which are the basis of the design, were easily laid out on the map of Ukraine. And the new name speaks loudly about the brand’s philosophy and its Ukrainian roots.”
46 Parallel Wine Group has been working with the Tabasco team since its inception. Non-standard ideas and design solutions allowed the company to successfully implement a project to bring its brands to the Ukrainian market. The new blend has already been highly praised by experts – the wine won a gold medal at the Odessa Wine & Spirits Awards.