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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Balkans International Wine Competition

The Balkans International Wine Competition will take place on the Greek island of Salamina

25.03.2022, News

The 11th Balkans International Wine Competition will take place in Salamina from 1 to 3 June, and the Balkan Wine Festival will take place in Bulgaria from 16 to 18 June. Both events are united under the common name Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival (BIWCF) and aim to promote Balkan wines in the region and the world.

Following the success of last year’s 10th Anniversary edition in Skopje (Northern Macedonia), the BIWC will begin its new decade on the beautiful island of Salamis. The purpose of the rotation of the most prestigious Balkan wine competition is the integration of wineries from all Balkan countries and their largest representation in the region and Europe.

The Balkans International Wine Competition is an event that brings together the world’s wine elite to see and taste the richness and diversity of Balkan wines. Producing 1.8 million tons of wine a year, the Balkans rank 5th in the world after such wine-producing countries as Italy, France, Spain and the United States.

“I’m so glad to execute the chairmanship for the new decade ahead of BIWC. The Competition proved itself as the most renowned and respectable Wine Competition in the region and the first assignment for me and the experienced BIWC team is to keep this reputation and upgrade it further,” – said the newly elected BWC Chairman Igor Lukovic from Serbia. “I would give my best to attract new winemakers from the neighbouring countries with the end goal to unite the whole Balkan wine producers and to make the reputation of the Balkan wines even bigger. Additionally, we’d like to expand the jury pool with even more relevant world wine judges, in order to make the Competition even more efficient. Good luck to the Balkan wines in the 11th BIWC 2022!”

The Mayor of Salamina, Giorgios Managopoulos, stressed that the municipality strongly supports such initiatives and welcomes the Balkans International Wine Competition as an opportunity to emphasize the island’s tourist identity.

“Special thanks to contributors and organisers who worked hard to render Salamina the best choice in order to be the Host city of such an important event,” said Giorgios Managopoulos.

The main mission of BIWCF is to promote Balkan wines and wine culture around the world. Honorary Chairman of the Competition is Konstantinos Lazarakis MW, he became the first holder of this title in Greece and the Balkans.

“The Balkan International Wine Competition coming to Greece! Feels like your favourite TV show comes to your city for shooting the next season! Deeply excited by welcoming the 11th edition of BIWC in Greece. It will be another amazing steppingstone in making Balkan Wines as famous as they deserve!” said Mr. Lazarakis.

Galina Niforou, BIWCF Managing Director, also emphasizes that making Balkan Wines even more recognizable and occupying an important place on the world wine list is a priority for the organizers.

“It is a great honor for us to have the possibility to carry out the 11th edition of BIWC in historical island of Salamina. From the team of BIWC, I would like to thank to the Mayor of Salamina, Mr. Giorgos Panagopoulos for his warm welcome and his desire to host the Balkans International Wine Competition 2022!”

The Balkans International Wine Competition jury consists of five MW and world-renowned regional and regional wine experts.

The awards ceremony and gala dinner Balkan Wine Oscars will take place on June 3 at Ktima Filippikon Restaurant. The special Golden Dionysus Award will be presented by the mayor to the best Greek wine of 2022. Last year, the trophy in the nomination “Best Wine in the Balkans” went to Argyros winery (Santorini) for the Vinsanto Late Release 2001.

On June 4, after the competition, an exhibition will be held in the courtyard of the City Hall, to which business representatives, sommelier, distributors and winelovers from Greece and abroad are invited.

At the Balkans International Wine Competition, the Wine Travel Awards team will hold a tasting of the wines of our nominees and sponsors, as well as present wines of Ukraine. Condemning the atrocities of the aggressor in Ukraine and supporting Ukrainian winemakers, BIWC, like other international exhibitions and competitions, provides a number of preferences to participants from Ukraine.

We invite Ukrainian winemakers to take part in the Balkans International Wine Competition free of charge!