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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Rhone Valley

Connecting Vineyards: 5 steps to know Rhone Valley better

19.01.2022, News

Inter Rhône, whose mission is to foster knowledge and appreciation of the great wealth of the Rhone Valley’s AOC wines, created 5 educational videos for everyone who would like to learn more about this region.

Inter Rhône has developed 5 new videos as part of the training programs to better meet the needs of learners on an educational level. The objective is to bring a new dimension to its communication media, to offer attractive and lively tools in a short format.

Didactic and fun content has been worked on to facilitate understanding of the Rhone Valley Vineyards, show their uniqueness and make people want to know and discover them.

Rhone Valley

5 major themes are addressed to highlight the Rhone Valley specificities, particularly around:

  • The geological history of Appellations of this region.
  • The historical know-how.
  • Rhone Valley, 2nd AOC Vineyard in France
  • Diversity source of wealth
  • The taste of the future

These tools are used to guarantee the “Rhone Culture” to all those who wish to know more about this wine region. Wine professionals of course, sommeliers, sommelier teachers, future sommeliers, restaurateurs, wine merchants, journalists, with the general public, wine lovers, within the framework of tasting workshops.

These videos are available both in French and in English on the YouTube channel of Inter Rhone: