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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Wine Travel Awards

Welcome to the Wine Travel Awards Community!

06.07.2021, Awards

We invite all active, optimistic and creative entrepreneurs to expand the horizons of your business and overcome the consequences of the pandemic, not only by restoring the affected processes and links, but by rebooting your project!

Join the international Wine Travel Awards and you will receive not only the high assessment you deserve, but also an annual marketing campaign on eight international markets at once!

The Wine Travel Awards seeks to re-energize the tourism and wine industry affected by the pandemic. Its hybrid strategy is ideally tuned for complex implementation in both online and offline formats.

WTA is an efficient and cost-effective tool for global and national advancement.

The Wine Travel Awards (WTA) is an annual award of a new format in the field of wine tourism. This is not a rating, but the unified advertising and information campaign in different countries to draw attention to the nominees: people, regions, wines and local products.

The Wine Travel Awards Nominations


  1. The visiting card of the country

Destinations, wineries, national brands, establishments with a wine program: hotels, local food restaurants, bars, museums of wines and specialties, tasting rooms

  • Outstanding place marked on the wine and gastronomic route / Must visit
  • Brand – the visiting card of the country
  • Progressive Approach (sustainable development, organic methods, and resource-saving technologies)
  • Discovery of the Year (new facilities or renovations, services, programs, innovative or award-winning products, etc.)
  • Authentic Location (facility with its own history, reviving indigenous varieties and specialties, traditional technologies)
  • Objet d’Art

  1. Ambassador

Ambassadors: persons representing wines, regions, enogastronomic routes, brands; associations, consortia, national wine bureaus, tourist offices, and tour operators

  • Ambassador of the Year
  • Breakthrough of the Year
  • Creative Strategy

Wine & Food Influencer

  1. Wine & Food Influencer

Journalists, professional media, bloggers, photographers, and videographers

  • Author of the Year
  • Research of the Year
  • Expert Opinion
  • The Brightest Journey

  1. Education in enotourism

Wine museums, wine institutes, tasting rooms, including those located on the premises of the wineries, academies of enogastronomy, wine schools participating in tourist projects, organizers of tours to exhibitions, etc.

  • Unique Program (educational enogastronomic tours)
  • Cultural Mission
  • The Art of Performance

Wine guide

  1. Wine guide

Guides, guides-representors of wine regions, tour operators, etc.

  • Guide of the Year
  • Unique Route
  • Journey of the Year
  • Educational Tour of the Year

Enogastronomic events

  1. Enogastronomic events

Festivals, Wine Days and Local Products Days, exhibitions, promotion programs – Event of the Year

  • Magnet of the Region
  • Effective Event
  • Premiere of the Future

How can one become a nominee of the international Wine Travel Awards?

It’s very simple.

You choose a nomination (or multiple nominations) that matches (or match) your company’s profile.

The Nominees should fill in the Registration Form.

After receiving confirmation from the administrator, an issued invoice payment should be completed. Thereupon, we will send you a questionnaire and you will be able to share your success story.

After you approve the presentation text and video materials, they are uploaded by our moderators on all information resources. From this moment, your campaign, stipulated by the nominee’s package and the award algorithm, has started!

Wine Travel Awards in 2021

What will the participants of the project “Wine Travel Awards” gain?

Nominations of the Wine Travel Awards are some sort of club cards of the WTA global wine tourism community.

We ensure that the nominees will gain the following benefits:

  • Joining the WTA international professional community: making useful business contacts, expanding opportunities to attract tourist (client) flows to their own facilities and businesses, as well as opportunities to learn from the participants’ experience.
  • The annual advertising campaign on online and offline resources, as well as at the exhibitions and special events conducted in the framework of the Wine Travel Awards nomination packages.

Participation in the WTA community includes:

  • posting information on the nominee’s personal page at www.winetravelawards.com;
  • posting information about the nominee during the year on the nomination start pages www.winetravelawards.com;
  • placement of information about the nominee on www.drinks.ua in the form of a bilingual version (EN and UA);
  • information about the nominee in the social media of Drinks+ Media Group, the Wine Travel Awards, and information partners of the award;
  • news support for the nominee in the WTA social media until the end of voting on the site;
  • coverage in the WTA newsletters;
  • publication in the printed magazine Drinks+ (1 page);
  • coverage in the printed and electronic versions of the Wine Travel Awards Guide;
  • the nominee’s coverage in the WTA presentation file at the national level;
  • the possibility of using the WTA visual materials in its marketing (pursuant to the agreement for the right to use such materials, entered into with the right holder – WTA);
  • the opportunity to become one of the winners of the Wine Travel Awards.

The award winners will gain:

  1. Two-page publications in printed and electronic versions of the Wine Travel Awards Guide and Drinks+ magazine.
  2. Posts about the winners in the social media of Drinks+ Media Group, Wine Travel Awards, and the award’s information partners.
  3. Publications about the winners on the sites www.winetravelawards.com and www.drinks.ua.
  4. Publications about the award winners in the media of the WTA information partners.
  5. Participation in the WTA award ceremony and inclusion into the file of the WTA presentation at the international level.
  6. Wine Travel Awards and prizes from sponsors (enogastronomic tours, educational programs, and advertising campaigns).
  7. Symbols of the WTA Winner with the possibility of using the WTA visual in its marketing (under the agreement on the right of use from the right holder-WTA):

– The WTA winner badge (combines the logo including the name of the nomination, in which the nominee participates. If there are several nominations, several WTA nominee’s marks of distinction are provided).

– The WTA nominee banners for placement on the nominee’s websites, social media, e-mails, e-mail signatures, etc.

Rules for purchasing the nominee’s package

One company/person can apply for several nominations on its own behalf (but no more than three*).

The registration fee for one nomination is 380 euros.

If you confirm two nominations in the package, the cost of the second one will be 285 euros (-25%).

Applying for three nominations in a package, the cost of the third one is 190 euros (-50%).

Choose the appropriate Nomination and fill out the Registration Form – and we will be glad to welcome you to the WTA community!