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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Fascinant Week-end

Fascinant Week-end: a premiere in Bordeaux

12.10.2021, News

The eighth edition of the “Fascinant Week-end” Vignobles & Découvertes will take place from October 14 to 17 in six French vineyards. For the first time, Bordeaux is hosting the event, with more than 130 activities offered to the general public in the vineyard.

The return of the “Fascinant Week-end” Vineyards & Discoveries is planned from October 14 to 17. Initiated by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region in 2014, this public event then spread to other vineyards – Occitanie, Alsace, Champagne… In 2021, it is organized for the first time throughout France, with the ambition to become the major national wine tourism event. Six wine regions and 50 destinations labelled Vignobles & Découverte will therefore welcome the general public for 4 days, and for the first time, Bordeaux is joining the party!

The Vignobles & Découvertes en Gironde label have put every effort to offer visitors more than 130 activities, the full program of which is available on the Fascinant Week-end website. From a traditional tasting to food and wine pairings, through aperitifs, concerts, cinema, or escape games, the entertainment offer is very wide, including for families. Other highlights of the weekend are free tapas and film evenings from October 15 to 17, organized in six magical places in the Bordeaux vineyards:

Vignobles & Découvertes

Friday October 15 at 20h:
Le sens de la fête by Olivier Nakache et Eric Toledano at the Maison des vins de Bourg
Tu seras mon fils (You will be my son) by Gilles Legrand at the Château Roquefort
Saturday October 16 at 20h:
La Belle Époque by Nicolas Bedos at the Château Hostens-Picant
Antoinette dans les Cévennes (My Donkey, My Lover & I) by Michael Dudok de Wit at the Château Royal de Cazeneuve
Sunday October 17 at 16h:
Donne moi des ailes by Nicolas Vanier at the Château Citran
Adieu les cons (Bye Bye Morons) by Albert Dupontel at the Château du Taillan

Apart from Bordeaux, more than 600 different events await the public, in Occitanie, Provence, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Champagne and Alsace.