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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Champagne vines

Growth abnormalities in the Champagne vines

07.06.2021, News

This spring, the Champagne vines are observed to have growth irregularities in some of their plots once again. The phenomenon remains unexplained for the moment. The Champagne Committee is carrying out studies to identify the causes.

This year in Champagne, the winegrowers once again observed shoot anomalies in some of their plots. What are the symptoms? Abnormally short internodes, a “shriveled” aspect of the shoots, leaves with asymmetric contours. This causes reduced vegetative growth and a lack of vigor.

“This is a problem that has been lasting for a few years in the oldest plots. However, it was brought up to us in 2019 in Barsuraubois. But we have the feeling that the phenomenon is spreading, with cases that have been reported to us all over the place: in Sézannais, the Ardre Valley, in Cuis, Chouilly, Barséquanais…”, lists Constance Demestihas, from the Champagne Committee.

Nutritional imbalances and disruption of sap circuits

Since last year, the interprofession has been carrying out investigations to determine the causes of these physiological disorders. The first analyzes revealed “nutritional imbalances and disruption of sap flow” in the “abnormal” vines.

But currently, the Champagne Committee does not know the origin, nor the link it may have with the shoot anomalies observed. This year, it will therefore continue its work and carry out in-depth monitoring of water and nutritional constraints on a network of affected plots. The Committee will also perform virological diagnoses at the end of the season.

Photo: Champagne Committee