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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Odessa Wine Week

Odessa is to host the Odessa Wine Week for the first time

26.04.2021, News

From May 18-th to May 23-rd 2021, an international project “Odessa Wine Week” will be held in Odessa.

Communication Media Group Drinks+ is to act as the General Media Partner of this event, which brings together in Odessa the leading wine experts, scientists, oenologists, winemakers, government officials, national and foreign wine associations, representatives of tourism, HoReCa and retail industry, sommeliers, wine merchants, marketing specialists, wine experts, and journalists.

Odessa Wine Week unites the efforts of the Ukrainian wine community aimed at the development of the Ukrainian wine market and enogastronomic tourism, the promotion and enhancement of the brand “Ukrainian wine”, and Ukraine’s integration into the world wine community.

We are happy to undertake our efforts for this noble cause! Our journalists will take part in the program, and the Odessa Wine Week events will be covered by our publications. Await our reports and interviews from Odessa!

The Odessa Wine Week program will include:

►All-Ukrainian Tasting Competition “Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards”

►International Symposium “2021 OENOVITI International Network”

►Project “Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety”

►Conference «Enogastronomic tourism is a driver of development of the tourist destinations”

► Conference «Innovative vine-growing tools in the climate change conditions”

►Wine Future Forum

►Series of author’s tastings from the guests and participants of OWW, which are to be organized for the representatives of HoReCa and retail sectors

► “Tasting in the Air”. Special air trip, along with a tasting aboard the MAU plane: Top-5 Ukrainian wines – winners of the All-Ukrainian Tasting Competition “Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards” and dishes of the Odessa cuisine.

►  XI Gastronomic Festival “Something finger-licking good”.

Photo: Arsen Fedosenko, a photo from the project “New history of Ukrainian wine”.