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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Château Malartic-Lagravière

Scarlett Johansson and Malartic Lagravière: shared passion

25.11.2021, News

On November 18, 2021, Scarlett Johansson was honored to receive the American Cinematheque Award for her lifetime achievements. Château Malartic-Lagravière was served at the gala dinner but was also alongside the famous actress to present her with a 2016 red wine magnum engraved with her name.

Since 1986, this prestigious Hollywood institution has honoured, each year, an emblematic figure of the Seventh Art. In 2019, Château Malartic-Lagravière had the privilege of being alongside Charlize Theron for the presentation of her Award during a memorable evening.

This year, the gala dinner brought together 700 people at the Beverly Hilton hotel and the presence at the tables of Château Malartic Lagravière was no accident. Séverine Bonnie, Marketing and Communication Director of Château Malartic-Lagravière explains “We know people from the world of cinema, in Latin America, and we collaborate regularly for films. We send bottles to the production sites, and we are lucky enough to see them appear in films from time to time. Through this, we had the opportunity to offer our wines to the American Cinematheque Award Tribute, and to see them served at the tables at the annual gala dinner starting in 2019”.

This November 18, 2021, the Bonnie family was represented at the ceremony by Véronique Bonnie, co-manager with her brother of Malartic vineyards. It was a great satisfaction to see that the Malartic-Lagravière white 2016 and red 2014 were perfectly matched to the dishes, and that they delighted the palate.

Véronique Bonnie and Scarlett Johansson

But Véronique Bonnie also had the privilege of presenting the actress with a magnum engraved in fine gold: “Scarlett Johansson American Cinémathèque Award 2021”. It was the occasion of an exchange during which the actress was “warm, human, not at all distant and very interested in the property and its wines”. She took the opportunity to dedicate the 2016 Malartic-Lagravière magnum engraved in her honor, a bottle that will be offered to Solar Responders, the charitable foundation that Scarlett Johansson runs with her twin brother Hunter Johansson. A foundation created in 2017 following the devastation Hurricane Maria inflicted on the island of Puerto Rico and which has since worked to raise funds for the rebuilding of homes for hurricane victims.

The Bonnie family sees in this meeting points in common between the production of a grand cru and the making of a film: the passion to tell a story, that of the terroir and the people who shape it and share the same universal values: knowledge – doing, emotion, sharing, transmission.

Based on the material of terredevins.com

Photo Credit: Bryan Beasley