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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris

The positive 2020


A survey conducted by Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris recorded positive assessments of the past year, made by representatives of the wine business.

A survey of 658 wine producers and 737 wine and gourmet items merchants helped reconstruct the overall picture of 2020 for winemaking and wine sales. Using new tools or distribution channels, winemakers, together with merchants, have flexibly approached the challenges caused by Covid-19. Their assessment of 2020 appeared to be mostly positive.

Most wine and gourmet items merchants (60%) said their revenue was good. 55% of them reported sales growth, and 15% reported that sales were even more stable compared to 2019. During the holiday season of the last quarter of 2020, 58% of wine and gourmet items merchants witnessed a clear increase in sales over the previous year.

As for winemakers, 34% of respondents consider their results to be positive, and 22% – stable compared to 2019.

Dynamic approach to business development

Wine and gourmet items merchants have been able to adapt to security measures which are being implemented due to the Covid-19 pandemic, by offering new services, including online sales (18%) and home delivery (20%), even after working hours (5%), as well as Click & Collect system. This helped them hold out with virtually no sales at large private events (weddings, anniversaries) and trade events (exhibitions, tastings).

Winemakers also showed initiative and creativity: 35% of them created their own sites for online sales during this period, 22% joined the existing Internet platforms, and 17% expanded sales to cover wine and gourmet items merchants. Overall, 67% of winemakers have found new distribution channels.

Still wines and spirits come out on top

Red and white wines had the best sales figures even compared to 2019, which is probably due to the role they played as “moral support” during the isolation. They showed almost the same results: sales of red wines increased by 53%, whereas sales of whites – by 55%.

Spirits also saw an increase in sales, rising 50% in popularity and confirming significant growth over the past few years.

However, sparkling wines, which are usually used at festive and public events, on the contrary, have suffered during the period of quarantine and isolation.

There are strong players in the world of wine!

While 66% of wine and gourmet items merchants are optimistic about the future, winemakers continue to express some concern. However, they show resilience: 65% of them want to maintain and develop their new distribution channels, including digital technologies.

The Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris survey showed a sufficient margin of safety for the wine market players and showed that this inherently resilient sector, with the support of consumers who continued to buy wines and other spirits, has been able to successfully restructure to bounce back and develop further.