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Я подтверждаю, что мне, увы, уже давно исполнилось 18 летThe capital of Great Britain, which will celebrate the 70-th jubilee of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II over the first weekend of June, will be followed by another bright event – the 40th (40!) anniversary of the London Wine Fair 2022.
Traditionally, for at least the last decade, Drinks+ Communication Media Group has been the information partner of Britain’s most authoritative wine hub. However, this year Drinks+ has a special format of participation: as part of the London Wine Fair 2022, the First Wine Travel Awards Ceremony (a new project of the Media Group) will take place at 12.30-14.30 on June 8, 2022 in the Industry Briefing Room.
All those wishing to register should follow the link.
During the ceremony, the organizers of the Wine Travel Awards will reward winners with diplomas, trophies and gift certificates from the award sponsors. However, it should be emphasized that there will be no losers at the Wine Travel Awards. And this is the main feature of the project: ranks and prizes are the cherries on the cake. And the “main dish” of the project is a large-scale advertising campaign for each nominee that lasts throughout the year and includes both digital resources and offline activities such as participation in the world’s largest exhibitions. To date, the nominees have already been presented in a number of events: in Ukraine, Italy, Hungary, as well as in large-scale exhibitions – such as ProWein (5700 exhibitors + 38,000 visitors from 145 countries) and Vinitaly (4400 exhibitors and 25,000 visitors from 139 countries). Now, it is the London Wine Fair. And then – BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION-2022 (Athens) and the premiere of Bordeaux Wine Week. Taking into account the audiences, including online ones, to which information about the nominees of the Wine Travel Awards was provided, the awareness of this project has reached as of today the figure of almost half a million of wine and tourism operators.
In all these events, the Wine Travel Awards are presented in up-to-date and diverse formats: with print advertising, electronic catalogs, tastings, and presentations. In particular, as part of the First Wine Travel Awards Ceremony in London, tasting of wines from the below nominees and sponsors will be held:
The walk-around wine tasting will be accompanied by a buffet presentation of Ukrainian cuisine by the famous domestic chef, gastronomist and TV presenter Yuri Kovryzhenko. Yuri is a member of DisciplesEscoffier International and winner of the Global Chef Awards 2017, Ambassador of Taste for Global Gastronomy2021, 2022; Best of Gastronomy 2021 gold medal.
We would like to emphasize that the London Wine Fair 2022 will also host Drinks+ stand (C66 at GRAND HALL, Ground Level), where three days long you will be able to taste wines by the Wine Travel Awards nominees from around the world: Shumi Winery, Chateau Mukhrani, Castel Mimi, F.W. Langguth Erben, “Armenia Wine” Factory LLC. And wines produced by the nominees for the award from Ukraine will be available for tasting at the Wines of Ukraine stand organized at the initiative of the London Wine Fair in cooperation with Drinks+ and Ukrsadvinprom LLC, during all three days of the exhibition.
We are waiting for you at the First Wine Travel Awards Ceremony and at stands C66 and E30!