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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Champagne producers

The Minister of Agriculture comes to support champagne producers following tensions with Russia

09.07.2021, News

Julien Denormandie, the Minister of Agriculture and Franck Riester, Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Trade are visiting Epernay this Friday, July 9. They come to support champagne producers following the tensions of recent days with Russia.

It is a law that the winegrowers of Champagne find grotesque. At the end of last week, Russia signed a law which requires that only Russian sparkling wines can bear the name of “champagne”. The Minister of Agriculture, Julien Denormandie, and Franck Riester, Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Trade are visiting Epernay this Friday July 9 to provide support to champagne producers in the face of these changes in legislation.

In France, this change in legislation has consequences: it now requires distributors of champagne brands to write on the back label the words “sparkling wine”.

The Interprofessional Committee for Champagne Wines (CIVC) deplores that this regulation does not provide Russian consumers with clear and transparent information on the origin and characteristics of the wines. It also regrets that this law signed by Vladimir Poutine calls into question more than twenty years of bilateral discussions between the EU and Russia on the protection of appellations of origin.

Support from elected officials

Marne senators Françoise Férat, Yves Detraigne and René-Paul Savary wrote a joint letter to the Minister for Foreign Trade. They ask that the champagne appellation be exclusively reserved for French producers.

The Minister of Agriculture Julien Denormandie and Franck Riester, Minister for Foreign Trade arrived at 8 a.m. today at the Maison du Champagne in Epernay. They will discuss this issue with professionals from the wine sector. After that, they will visit the Pol Roger Champagne House.

“There is no question of compromising with the defense of the interests of our champagne producers, called into question by the new Russian legislation. With our EU partners, we will not hesitate to sue Russia in the WTO if the situation calls for it.”

Photo: Radio France – Stéphane Maggiolini
