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Я підтверджую, що мені, на жаль, давно виповнилося 18 роківLondon Spirits Competition Entrants may now enter their cocktails with 2023 submissions. All entrants who submit their products for the 2023 competition will now also be able to submit cocktails for each of the products they enter in the entry portal.
The competition prides itself on being one step ahead by thinking like the consumers who are potential buyers for the top award-winning spirits at the event. In doing so the organizers are creating a bridge to connect brands with consumers in multifold ways.
The competition developers constantly strive to listen and adapt their offer to give producers, suppliers and importers distinct and added benefits to enter their spirits.
World’s top bartenders and spirits buyers will be judging the 2022 London Spirits Competition.
This new feature will not only help consumers but will also help bartenders and mixologists to preview cocktails of winning products which they can implement in their bars when they stock the winning products.
In addition to the competition page showing the cocktails, Beverage Trade Network’s London Drinks Guide, UK’s On-Trade magazine will also select cocktails from the submissions and display them on the London Drinks Guide and the Bartenders Business portal. These cocktails will also be shown in BTN’s other global consumer drinks guides like the Los Angeles Drinks Guide, Chicago Drinks Guide, New York Drinks Guide and the San Francisco Drinks Guide.
“This is a substantial feature benefit enhancement we are implementing for all the 2023 spirits entrants by offering them a platform to showcase their cocktails to end consumers and to the trade,” says Sid Patel, CEO of Beverage Trade Network, organizer of the London Spirits Competition.
Entries for the 2023 competitions are now open. Brands looking to get reviewed by world class judges can take advantage to enter now with the special pricing that is on offer right now. During the entry process, make sure you also enter your cocktail recipes.