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Я підтверджую, що мені, на жаль, давно виповнилося 18 роківAugust 16, the legend of cinema and winemaking – Pierre Richard celebrated his birthday. The outstanding Tall Blond turned 88 years old.
The eight is a sign of infinity, it is like a symbol of Ukraine’s boundless love for the great actor and the Man with a capital letter. And when there are two eights at once?! And of course, all Ukrainians raise a glass to the health of the famous actor and winemaker, some may even fill a glass with Chateau Bel Eveque wine.
Monsieur Richard came to Kyiv in 2015, and then in 2017, when Drinks+ editor-in-chief Olga Pinevich-Todoriuk managed to talk to the Tall Blond. And in 2018, our editors personally visited the Chateau Bel Eveque and had the opportunity to to break into the atmosphere of simplicity and refined, something rural and at the same time in its unique and talked to one of the sons Monsieur Pierre – to break into the atmosphere of simplicity and refined, something rural and at the same time in its unique and talked to one of the Monsieur Richard’s sons – Christophe Defays, who manages the winery today.
In 2021-2022, Chateau Bel Eveque became a nominee of the Wine Travel Awards, the international awards of an innovative format in the field of wine tourism, founded by the Drinks+ Media Group in collaboration with the MIX marketing agency. Bel Eveque was also a sponsor of the WTA prize fund.
During the First Wine Travel Awards Ceremony, which took place on 8 June 2022 at the London Wine Fair, some of the winners received sets of premium wines from the château owned by Monsieur Richard, including a wine from Chateau Bel Eveque presented to the Head of London Wine Fair – Hannah Tovey.
The Drinks+ team sincerely wishes Pierre Richard and his family many years of prosperity. We are grateful for the opportunity to meet and communicate and we really hope that this will happen again and again both in France and in our peaceful Ukraine. And despite the fact that the war forced the members of our editorial team to scatter around the planet – our hearts beat in unison and we all raise our glasses at the same time to a brilliant actor with a sunny smile, a wonderful winemaker and a great friend of Ukraine and Drinks+ personally.
Happy birthday, Monsieur Richard!
Photo: vinspierrerichard.com