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Я подтверждаю, что мне, увы, уже давно исполнилось 18 летThe London international exhibition of wine, wine production and technologies has become the Official Exhibition Partner of the Wine Travel Awards (WTA), international awards of an innovative format.
This year, the London Wine Fair (LWF) will celebrate its fortieth anniversary. The organizers announce that in the coming weeks they will present a campaign dedicated to this event. It is known that the London Wine Fair has played a major role in shaping the wine industry of Great Britain and the world for many years, and therefore the holiday promises to be bright, interesting and unforgettable.
The celebration of the London Wine Fair will take place in June and coincides with the dates of the celebration of the Platinum anniversary of Elizabeth II. As you know, in June 2022 in Britain and Northern Ireland, the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the throne will be celebrated. So, the eyes of the whole world will be focused on London, and this is very important and beneficial for the London Wine Fair.
LWF changed its dates as a result of ProWein‘s decision to postpone its dates, which coincided with the traditional dates of the British exhibition. This year’s London Wine Fair will take place on June 7-9. Experts believe that this compromise is in favour of both exhibitions, as many exhibitors were invited to both events, but, as the organizers of the event joke, “it is simply impossible to be in two places at the same time.”
It so happens that the ceremony of awarding the first winners of the Wine Travel Awards joined this series of extraordinary events this year. The management of London Wine Fair has decided to support this ambitious international project and has become the Official Exhibition Partner of the new Wine Travel Awards. It will be recalled that the goal of the WTA is to provide a new impetus for the development of the tourism and wine industries affected by the pandemic. WTA’s unique hybrid strategy is ideally suited for integrated implementation of both online and offline formats. Also, and this is important for our partnership, the London International Exhibition itself has become a WTA nominee.
The Wine Travel Awards is currently replenished with new nominees, including star names such as La Cité du Vin, Château Smith Haut Lafitte, Vinos de La Luz, Domaine de l’Évêque, and reputable personalities: María Isabel Mijares (who called the Queen of Spanish Wines), Roberto Cipresso (winemaker-creator, author, Italy), journalists and wine writers Alder Yarrow and Jeff Burrows (USA), Per Karlsson (Sweden, France) and Anghelina Taran (Moldova), Yair Kornblum Koren (Israel) and Masakatsu Ikeda (Japan), etc.
No less stellar is the WTA jury – including Robert Joseph and Felicity Carter, Dr. Ricardo F. Nunez and Fiona Morrison, just 12 brilliant experts with the world names from different branches of the wine world.
On June 7-9, the London Wine Fair will feature WTA community projects and wines, a catalogue of nominees’ stories and detailed descriptions of each, and, of course, the names of the winners. But these are not all the surprises that the teams of the Drinks+ Communications Media Group and the Wine Travel Awards are preparing for the events in London. The nominees will be the first to know all the details of the planned Drinks+ and WTA program.
!!! We remind you that the WTA early bird registration has been extended to 15.02.2022.
!!! Public voting will begin on March 1, the first step in determining the winners.