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Gastronomy and Wine Portal


First harvest-2024: Ukrainian winemakers winning awards from MUNDUS VINI

29.02.2024, News Автор: Victoria Makarova

MUNDUS VINI Spring Tasting 2024 — the 34th Grand International Wine Award — has once again gathered more than 250 international experts, winemakers, journalists and influencers in order to evaluate the best wines from all around the globe. We are glad to acknowledge that there were four Ukrainian members of the Jury in both panels, three of them representing Drinks+ and Wine Travel Awards.

And we are even happier to congratulate Ukrainian winemakers who won awards in this prestigious international competition. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our medalists!

SHABO Family Winery (Odesa region), the WTA nominee and voting winner, is grounded on more than 2,000-year-old winemaking traditions. It was founded in 2003, evolving from the oldest Ukrainian wine factory located in the village of Shabo to one of the best Ukrainian wineries producing still and sparkling wines, as well as brandy and grape vodka. The company owns 1200 ha of exquisite vineyards, growing top-notch European and international varieties, as well as the unique indigenous grape Telti-Kuruk, of which they have the only self-rooted plots in Ukraine.

 MUNDUS VINI Spring Tasting 2024 awards for SHABO:

🌟SHABO Limited Edition Muscat Ottonel nat. semisweet 2021 — gold (91 points)

🌟SHABO Reserve Cabernet 2022 — gold (91 points)

🌟SHABO Grande Reserve Cabernet-Merlot 2022 gold (90 points)

🌟SHABO Limited Edition Cabernet-Merlot (Kakheti technology / aged in qvevri) 2022 — silver (89 points)

🌟2022 Shabo Grande Reserve Cabernet-Merlot 2022  —  Best of Show Ukraine.

The result is amazing, but not at all unexpected! Our sincere congratulations to the SHABO team!

Chateau Chizay (Zakarpattia), founded in 1995, stands at the spot where an old winery of the 17th century was once located, in the middle of a winemaking valley named Chizay. Chateau Chizay owns 272 hectares of the most beautiful and well-kept vineyards, as well as a modern wine making complex consisting of an up-to-date winery, a wine-tasting hall, a museum of wine history, a nice restaurant and a mini hotel. 

MUNDUS VINI Spring Tasting 2024 awards for CHATEAU CHIZAY:

🌟Troyanda Karpat 2021 white dessert wine, aged 24 months — gold (91 points)

🌟Troyanda Karpat red dessert wine (new release) — silver (88 points).

The legendary Troyanda Karpat is one of the signature wines for Chateau Chizay, and the medals are well-deserved, our compliments and congratulations to the Chizay team!

Odesos is a young winery located in the city of Odesa, the heart of the wine region of Ukraine, standing out as the country’s first urban winery. The winemakers of Odesos are experimenting with special technologies, such as alternative wine ageing. They work with European grape varieties — Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling and Chardonnay. 

MUNDUS VINI Spring Tasting 2024 award for ODESOS WINERY:

🌟Odesos Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2021— gold (90 points).

Congratulations and the best wishes to the talented and inspired Odesos team!

The award-winning Ukrainian wineries will participate in ProWein 2024 in Dusseldorf, Germany on March 10-12, 2024.

If you wish to taste the amazing Ukrainian wines please visit the Wines of Ukraine national stand.

  • March 10-12, 2024.
  • Messe Düsseldorf, Stockumer Kirchstraße 61, 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Wines of Ukraine: 13H52