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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Мигель Леаль

Miguel Leal is the best wine tourism of Portugal


Winner of the Wine Travel Award 2023-2024 in the Wine Guide/Top Guide, Miguel Leal, founder and CEO of ML Private Tours, received an award from the Prémio Nacional de Enoturismo for his services in the field of wine tourism.

Miguel’s connection with the world of wine dates back to his childhood in a small family winery run by his grandfather and father. In 2011, Miguel decided to pursue a career in the world of wine, starting ML Private Tours.

Мигель Леаль

Miguel Leal’s company specializes in creating unique travel experiences for clients seeking the best of what Portugal has to offer in the world of wine and gastronomy.

In 2023-2024, Miguel Leal won the Wine Travel Award as the Best Guide. And now, at the third Prémio Nacional de Enoturismo, he received an award for merit in the field of wine tourism.
