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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Moldova Wine Festival

Moldova Wine Festival invites guests

14.09.2023, News

Moldova Wine Festival will be held in Chisinau on September 16-17. Here, wine, music and culture of the Republic of Moldova will unite in a unique event dedicated to fans of their favorite drink.

In the very heart of the Moldovan capital is a place where Moldovan wine fans will gather soon. Moldova is a country where viticulture and winemaking originated 4000-5000 years ago (it is a territory between the Dniester and Prut rivers).

Three dozen of the best Moldovan wineries will present their best wines at the Moldova Wine Festival. Among them the nominees, finalists and winners of the Wine Travel Awards: Vinuri de Comrat, Château Purcari, Mileștii Mici, Castel Mimi, Cricova Winery, and Château Vartely.

Producers will share the secrets of their best wines, and each guest will have the opportunity to taste selected wines and purchase a bottle of their choice in the festival’s retail area.
