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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Григорій Ткаченко

Ukrainian wine community honors the memory of a sommelier who was killed at the front

31.08.2023, News

«Heroes never die» is a romantic patriotic slogan, which, unfortunately, has nothing to do with real life. In the real life of Ukrainians, our relatives, loved ones, friends, and colleagues become heroes. And, unfortunately, they die. Such are the terrible realia of the full-scale Russian aggression in Ukraine, which has been tearing our country apart for 1,5 years. 

Today, the Ukrainian wine community mourns and honors the memory of our colleague, sommelier Gregory Tkachenko, who died a hero’s death at the front. “Every time someone from our very narrow circle of Ukrainian sommeliers dies, a part of each of us dies,” Oleksandr Meyer, a well-known Ukrainian sommelier and wine expert, wrote on his Facebook page. — I did not know Gregory closely, but I will always remember him as a friendly and light person with a keen interest in wine, who loved life. The moment the very existence of our country was threatened, he stood up for it. And died protecting us all. Rest in peace, hero. I despise russian sommeliers who, silently or openly, support their country’s aggression against us and our home. You thought that your country interferes in our internal affairs because it knows better how we live. You thought you were better than us, but you yourself exchanged humanity for money and dubious ideas. You thought your country was invincible. But you were wrong.” 

«I knew him personally, he was an excellent sommelier, and the first time I met him, he impressed me with his knowledge of Piedmont… He was always positive, handsome, athletic, smiling. He defended our Ukraine so that we could live in safety. A true patriot and hero of Ukraine!!! My sincere condolences to the entire family, to Gregory’s son and wife. We will always remember you… RIP” — this emotional post of sommelier Anna Pototska is a reflection of what we all feel. 

The Drinks+ editorial team expresses its sincere condolences to the family, relatives and friends of Gregory Tkachenko. We very much hope that the entire civilized world will not only continue, but also strengthen support for Ukraine, bringing our Victory closer. Heroes are not supposed to die. They must live among us.
