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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Wine Travel Awards

Wine Travel Awards 2023-2024: Start of the New Award Year!


On 1 November 2023, the new Wine Travel Awards year, one of the most promising innovative projects in the field of wine and wine tourism, will start!

If you are a winemaker or winery owner, wine critic or wine tourism specialist, and your life and career are linked to wine, this opportunity is for you! Below, we will answer the questions about the events that the Wine Travel Awards will host in 2023–2024 and the benefits for the nominees.

Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022-2023

Early Registration for the Wine Travel Awards Benefits

But first, we would like to remind you that you have five more days to take advantage of the WTA’s early registration opportunities and get a year-long international advertising campaign for your brand. Those who register by 1 November will be able to attend the EnoExpo 2023 tasting in Krakow, Poland, which will take place on 8–10 November. For more details, please visit:

  • contact@winetrawelawards.com
  • +38 (067) 447 45 78 (WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber)

Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022-2023

WTA Events 2023–2024

As a nominee for the Wine Travel Awards 2023–2024, you will have an exceptional opportunity to join the events:

  • 7–9 November – Wine Future 2023 (Coimbra, Portugal)
  • 8–10 November – EnoExpo 2023 (Kraków, Poland)
  • 12–15 February – Paris Vinexpo 2024 (Paris, France)
  • 10-12 March – ProWein 2024 (Düsseldorf, Germany)
  • 14–17 April – VinItaly 2024 (Verona, Italy)
  • 20–22 May – London Wine Fair 2024 (London, UK)

What Do Wine Travel Awards Nominees Receive?

Contestants who join the Wine Travel Awards as nominees receive a year-long advertising campaign and support (until November 2024 inclusive). This package includes the following offers for the nominee:

  • profile on the official Wine Travel Awards website;
  • publications on the Drinks+ website;
  • publication of information about the nominee in the Wine Travel Awards Guide catalogue for distribution at the world’s leading wine exhibitions and WTA events (you can view the previous iteration of the Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022–2023 here);
  • information support of the nominee through social networks, partner media and email newsletters (based on a database of 22 650 international subscribers involved in the wine business);
  • opportunity to participate in Wine Travel Awards events throughout the year and a chance to increase the visibility of your business, brand or project, attract an active audience, new contacts and receive support from the professional community;
  • thanks to the partnership with the Gérard Basset Foundation, the winner of the WTA in 2023–2024 in the Ambassador of the Year category will be awarded the Gérard Basset Ambassador of the Year Award.

Презентація Wine Travel Awards

Currently, the Wine Travel Awards 2022–2023 offers a nomination package that includes three categories:

  • Category 1 – 380 euros;
  • Category 2 – 285 euros (25% discount for the second category);
  • Category 3 – 190 euros (50% discount for the third category).

!!! To become a WTA nominee and receive the nomination package, please fill out the registration form.


The Wine Travel Awards is an annual award in the field of wine tourism, which has a special format for individual marketing and advertising campaigns for each participant in different countries.

The Wine Travel Awards have already been recognised by numerous international wine and tourism associations: Valpolicella Consortium, Asti DOCG Consortium, Austrian Wine (Austrian Wine Marketing Board), Wines of Hungary, Wines of Moldova, Vine & Wine Foundation Of Armenia, National Inbound & Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova (ANTRIM), Tourism Committee of Armenia (Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia), etc.
