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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Luigi Costantini On the Grande Vino of Tenuta Manoylo

One of the most authoritative winemakers in Italy, the President of Assoenology Marche, Luigi Costantini, found the opportunity in his busy schedule to answer the questions of the director of Drinks+ International Communication Media Group. Luigi Costantini was born in the Marche region and has been working exclusively with local wines for 45 years. By joining forces with the owners of Tenuta Manoylo and the unique data of the terroir, Luigi Costantini managed to create a pool of brilliant wines at this winery. And from the first steps on the international stage, these wines won the highest awards of the prestigious international competition. How success was achieved, what direction the winemakers of Marche are moving in — we asked about all this in this interview.

D+: We know that your whole life is dedicated to the development of winemaking in Marche, the revival of local grape varieties and the international recognition of wines from this historical region. Five years ago, in particular, you, as an enologist, began collaborating with Tenuta Manoylo on the idea of ​​producing “grande vino rosso”. We ask you to explain what meaning you put into this phrase. What should such wines be like?

(Editor’s note: the winery is a nominee for the international Wine Travel Awards, you can vote for Tenuta Manoylo here until March 31 inclusive).

Tenuta Manoylo

Luigi Costantini: The meaning is quite simple and expresses the idea of ​​the project to obtain red wines with specific characteristics that are the optimal expression of a particular grape variety and climatic environment, with differences, even minimal, related to the climatic trend. These red wines should have niche characteristics to satisfy clients who are able to appreciate and understand the nuances highlighted by the terroir, with differences related to the vintage, but with the same common theme. Therefore, these are long-lived, complex, elegant, deep and powerful red wines that evoke sharp emotions in the taster.

D+: This year we are already seeing the fruits of this collaboration. In 2024, Tenuta Manoylo received the highest awards from the Mundus Vini competition: Grand Gold — 2021 Marche IGT Sangiovese; Silver — 2021 Falerio DOC Pecorino and Best of Show Marche for the excellent wine 2021 Marche IGT Sangiovese. Can you comment on the specific outstanding characteristics and features of each wine, noted by the esteemed judging panel?

Luigi Costantini: Indeed, this year we are finally beginning to see the results of the work started in 2020: all this became possible thanks to the owners of the winery, who believed in us — I say “in us”, because I work with colleagues: Lucciarini Vincenzo, who heads the analytical laboratory, and Lucciarini Matteo. I will try to briefly describe each of these wines.

Marche IGT Sangiovese 2021 — is the embodiment of the history of Sangiovese, one of the most important Italian grape varieties, which has an ancient origin and has been known since Etruscan times. The first documented reports date back to 1500 and refer to the central Apennines, the region between Umbria, Marche, Romagna and Tuscany. Sangiovese is able to best convey the features of climatic microzones. If we describe the appearance of this wine, then I note the ruby-red color with weak purple reflections. The aroma is intense, complex, refined, enveloping and ethereal, with notes of underbrush, with hints of ripe red fruits, plums, raspberries and cherries, with spicy and balsamic tones. These features complement each other and give the wine balance, elegance and harmony. There is a noticeable presence of tertiary aromas, such as toasted, vanilla or spicy notes. Light balsamic notes complete the complex aromatic picture. Taste: dry, sharp, warm and fruity, gives elegance to the wine and demonstrates evolution. Thanks to elegant and balanced tannins and low sugar content, it acquires a piquant and persistent taste with balsamic final notes and a spicy tertiary aroma.

Falerio DOC Pecorino 2021 

The local vine of this ancient variety was rediscovered in the Arcquatano del Piceno area by Guido Cocci Grifoni in the 80s. The 90s were marked by the revival of Pecorino, an excellent wine with a striking appearance and powerful acidity, but only in the 2000s, after experiments in the field and on the vineyard, DOC was created. And since 2011, it can be produced on the territories of Moresco, Falerio DOC Pecorino. Pecorino today is a symbolic wine and ambassador of the Piceni Fermani region: it is defined as “red in white clothes”. It has a beautiful straw-yellow color, tending towards golden, with soft greenish reflections. The aroma is deep, a complex bouquet, with an elegant structure with intense notes of white flowers and ripe fruits and with light notes of vanilla and balsam. Pecorino demonstrates a good range with very noticeable and clear aromas, with a predominance of herbal and sage tones. This wine has a wonderful structure, good acidity, full, piquant and pleasantly mineral, with a persistent taste.

Marche IGT Passerina 2021

The “Passerina” wine is one of the most famous wines of Marche and Abruzzo, produced from grapes of the same vine. The reason why this wine is called “Passerina” is that sparrows particularly like to peck at the grapes on the vine, from which the name of the wine comes. This vine was highly valued by winemakers and was called by such synonyms as Cacciadebiti, Scacciabebito, Pagadebito and Uva d’Oro, clearly indicating the variety’s ability to guarantee a good harvest every year and reliable profitability. Passerina has a nice straw-yellow color with golden reflections. The intense aroma of medium complexity has strong floral notes of lime and hawthorn, with broad fruity notes, mainly pear; cedar and ripe grapefruit notes and elegant mineral hints complete the aromatic trail. The proximity of the vineyards to the sea adds a characteristic taste — fresh, pleasant and soft, with a good structure. It is clear and persistent, with light citrus and aromatic herb notes.

Tenuta Manoylo

D+: We and, of course, our readers would like to learn more about the unique wine Peconero, a white wine with red properties, created by macerating Pecorino grapes on the skin of Petit Verdot using amphorae made of local volcanic clay. Please comment on this idea — how do these two varieties work together, how does the wine material develop in the amphora? What characteristics does such wine acquire?

Luigi Costantini: The project to create Peconero was born from the fact — already mentioned by me — that Pecorino has always been defined as “red in white clothing”. Varieties: Pecorino no less than 90%, Petit Verdot up to 10%. The yield is ensured by agronomy and is about 70 quintals per hectare. The harvest, which begins in early September for both vines, when the grapes reach the optimal and necessary level of ripeness, is carried out manually in boxes. The cleaned and slightly pressed grapes are macerated and fermented at 15-20 °C in steel tanks with flooding to promote the extraction of the anthocyanin component from the red skin and the aromatic component from Pecorino; maceration is stopped as soon as the optimal color is achieved. After the end of fermentation, the wine remains on the fine lees for at least 20 days. Here I note that malolactic fermentation should not be carried out in order not to lose the typical freshness of Pecorino. Then the wine moves on to the aging phase in wooden barrels and amphorae for 2-4 months. After bottling, Peconero does not require further processing. Pecorino matures early; gives wine with a wonderful structure, with very noticeable and clear aromas, with a predominance of herbal notes, sage. The wine has a wonderful structure, good acidity, full, piquant and pleasantly mineral, with a persistent taste. Petit Verdot, on the other hand, matures late, but we harvest it early to have a ruby-red color, fresh and slightly sour, with fruit and floral aromas that make it similar to Pecorino. These two grape varieties complement each other, and we still have a ruby-red color with complexity in the nose, waiting to be opened. This wine is very balanced in taste, even if Pecorino has a slight advantage. It must be consumed fresh. This is, so to speak, a “summer, fish red”.

D+: By the way, about amphorae — is this traditional vessel for aging wines in your region?

Luigi Costantini: Amphorae are very ancient vessels, dating back to 6000 BC, used primarily by the Greeks and Romans for transporting wine and other agricultural products. It is no coincidence that the history of amphorae, produced in the Adriatic region, from Pedaso to the hilly area, begins with the Greeks, continues with the inhabitants of Piceni and the Romans, as evidenced by some archaeological finds, around the mouth and along the banks of the river Aso, Roman ruins, which testify to the production of amphorae for transporting wine. According to these artifacts, our amphorae are made of volcanic clay in the area of Monteleone Fermano, a few kilometers from Moresco. That is why they are unique and have a volume from 100 to 500 liters. In fact, this is a unique material — since the clay is porous, the amphorae allow moderately oxygenating the crushed grapes or must, and later the wine itself, which gives the aromatic and organoleptic components of the wine noticeable typicity and territorial characteristics.

Tenuta Manoylo

D+: As we know, you are a professor of viticulture and winemaking, and such deep and comprehensive education allows you to conduct very productive experiments both with grape varieties and with different vessels for fermentation and aging of wines: steel tanks and oak barrels, concrete eggs and clay amphorae, in order to create wines with the best reflection of the terroir of Marche. Our readers are mostly professionals, so could you please dwell on this topic and tell us how exactly the vessels affect the organoleptic properties of wine? Perhaps on the example of the above-mentioned award-winning wines?

Luigi Costantini: I would like to note that our company is very sensitive to environmental issues, with rational management from the vineyard to the cellar. We have succeeded in obtaining the EQUALITAS certification, which is a standard that defines the requirements according to the three pillars of environmental and socio-economic sustainability in the wine supply chain. We also use biotechnology in the cellar for aging, maximally avoiding the use of chemicals. In the company, we use different types of containers: stainless steel tanks, concrete tanks, oak barrels, tonneaux, barriques and amphorae. Obviously, the use of these different containers depends on the final goal — the product you want to obtain. Our grapes, washed and dried, are vinified separately, except for DOC ROSSO PICENO, using stainless steel tanks, the Ganimede vinificator and roto vinificator; all the vessels are equipped with temperature control devices. We also use wooden vats. Maceration and fermentation vary in time, depending on the type of grape and the product you want to obtain, and since there are many variables — from harvesting to the end of fermentation, it is necessary to know how to understand and plan all the stages of winemaking. Red wines, which are always kept separate, after a certain period of time on the fine lees are moved to cement or wooden vessels and/or amphorae, always and in any case depending on the product itself and the desired result. The duration of stay varies from a minimum of 2 months to 12-14 months. Careful and periodic analytical and organoleptic checks allow us to determine the optimal time for any planned blending and bottling. In fact, the final organoleptic properties are not always the same, they depend on all the variables, starting from the harvest to maturation and aging.

D+: So, you not only revive and apply in practice the old traditional winemaking technologies involving the grape varieties of the Marche region, but you also, as we see, experiment with international grape varieties and innovative winemaking methods. Can you share your plans – what is happening today behind the scenes of Tenuta Manoylo, which innovative wines should we expect in the near future from this potential winery?

Luigi Costantini: Undoubtedly, the varieties of our grapes are traditional for our territory: Sangiovese, Montepulciano and Alicante, as well as international grape varieties for red wines, exclusively local for whites Pecorino and Passerina. It is true that we implement modern winemaking technologies in practice, such as the use of the Ganimede vinificator or rotary vinificator, but we also rediscover old winemaking technologies, first of all vinification under water and of whole grapes. The results of these winemaking methods can be predicted, but to draw final conclusions, we need to wait a few months. At the same time, we began research and selection of wild yeasts: this work will be quite long, but we hope to obtain proprietary yeasts that will further characterize our product. For the next few years, we have several projects for red wine, and we have already talked about Peconero. Another project that we have been conducting since 2023 is dedicated to Alicante. This grape variety has been present on our territory since 1800, we will vinify the grapes according to an ancient technology, which I do not want to reveal yet. In addition, we are already working on a wine in an international style using traditional grapes from our territory, Montepulciano. Both of the last projects will be implemented, I assume, in 2025.

Tenuta Manoylo

D+: You started your professional career in the same region of Marche, in Ascoli Piceno. And you remain faithful to this region. But Marche, unfortunately, is not such a widely known region in the wine world, as a whole list of other Italian winemaking territories. But you prove with your work — and the success of Tenuta Manoylo is the best fresh confirmation of this! — that the wines of Marche deserve more attention from wine lovers and professionals. Tell us about its features. And why did it happen that at some point it undeservedly found itself on the sidelines of fame?

Luigi Costantini: I entered this profession back in 1973, as soon as I received a diploma in “Winemaking and Viticulture” from the Ulpiani Institute in Ascoli Piceno. I have always worked exclusively in this region until 2005. But since then I started working abroad, mainly in Albania. Unfortunately, it is true that the Marche region is not very well known, although its winemaking potential is high. It is undeniable that the average wine production does not exceed one million hectoliters, as can be seen in 2022, when this figure was 93,000 hl. However, the wine palette is diverse and interesting, in fact we have 5 DOCG (Conero 10,000, Castelli di Jesi Verdicchio Riserva 8,700, Offida 35,200, Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva 2,100, Vernaccia di Serrapetrona 900), IGT Marche and 15 DOC: Bianchello al Metauro 11,700, Colli Maceratesi 8,000, Colli Pesaresi 7,200, Esino 1,400, Falerio 33,000, Lacrima di Morro d’Alba 13,800, Terre di Offida 1,200, Rosso Conero 8,700, Rosso Piceno 72,000, Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi 148,000, Verdicchio di Matelica 26,800, Serrapetrona 1,000, I Terreni di Sanseverino 97, Pergola 460, San Ginesio 370, La I.G.T. Marche 268,600. Undoubtedly, the flagship product of our territory is Verdicchio for whites and Rosso Piceno for reds.

D+: How much importance do you attach to terroir in general and what potential do the vineyards of Tenuta Manoylo have? After all, not for nothing did a specialist of your level take up this project!

Tenuta Manoylo

Luigi Costantini: I would like to note that in managing the vineyard I work with my colleague Giuseppe Camilli, one of the most knowledgeable agronomists in Marche. As for the terroir, it is a very important concept, really basic. The company’s vineyard is diverse, it consists of different plots, distant from each other. This diversity means that there is an opportunity to obtain wine from one and the same grape, but which will express the differences of the terroir: in each glass you will feel different soils, etc. Now we are testing different varieties to optimize stylistics, product quality. To better understand the vineyard of the estate, I will give a table.

Grape variety Area (m2) Year of planting
Alicante 33925 22
Cabernet Sauv. 33514 20-21-22
Merlot 18430 20
Montepulciano 60238 21-22-23
Sangiovese 6831 18-20
Syrah 25161 18-20
Petit verdot 26921 20
Passerina 16267 20
Pecorino 14314 22

Total: 23,5646 ha


D+: From the height of your positions — ex-president of Assoenologi regione Marche and current president of Harvest Group Centro Ricerche Enologiche – you probably have a good view of what winemakers in Marche should do today to win the battle for recognition of their wines in the world, which today has been launched by such wineries as Tenuta Manoylo. What role can Harvest Group play in this? Can you briefly outline the roadmap: in what style to move, with which grape varieties, how to promote, etc.?

Luigi Costantini: A complex question… Undoubtedly, the wine sector of the region needs to create its own system, abandon limitations, focus on specific projects to create the opportunity to develop a synergistic strategy between all components of the supply chain and the territory. In order to finally overcome critical problems and improve the situation on the market. One of the main problems that determine the weakness of the regional wine and agri-food sector is the extraordinary fragmentation of the production and, above all, commercial system. In the provinces of Ascoli and Fermo, the agri-food sector, in particular the wine sector, has invested more than 130 million euros in improving the quality of production over the past 10 years, distributing the budget between modernization of processing structures, renewal of vineyards, diversification of agricultural activity, etc. But there is still no adaptation of these efforts to advertising and commercial policy, which remains the weak link in our production system.

D+: Dear Mr. Luigi! Thank you very much for your time answering our questions, success to you and your wines and well-deserved fame — to the Marche region!

One of the most authoritative winemakers in Italy, the President of Assoenology Marche, Luigi Costantini, found the opportunity in his busy schedule to answer the questions of the director of Drinks+ International Communication Media Group. Luigi Costantini was born in the Marche region and has been working exclusively with local wines for 45 years. By […]

The Wine Travel Awards Tasting Around the Sustainable World. Let’s Begin!

ProWein, the renowned wine expo in Düsseldorf, presents an array of tastings and events tailored for wine professionals. Among them is the esteemed yet intimate affair, The Wine Travel Awards Tasting Around the Sustainable World, called Weinland. Scheduled for Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 2 p.m., this event promises a genuine voyage. Experience firsthand the true essence of a journey – an exploration of diverse corners within the world of wine. Through a meticulously curated selection of truly exceptional beverages, each imbued with the unique characteristics of its birthplace, discover the rich tapestry of the wine world.

The theoretical “aperitif” of the tasting will be a brilliant performance of Prof. Dr. Gergely Szolnoki from Geisenheim University, the WTA jury for the third year in a row, who will address: where does sustainable wine tourism start and where does it end; which concrete measures contribute most effectively to the sustainable development of the wine tourism sector; and what are the main drivers and barriers to the implementation of sustainable wine tourism. The conclusions and specific recommendations, set out in the presentation, are based on study the guidelines and best practice of more than 1,500 wineries in 42 countries – the main drivers of sustainable wine tourism.

In the framework of the event Wine Travel Awards presents the Wine Tasting showcasing six Community Members of the project. These wineries, hailing from various countries worldwide, embody established models of business and production.


Tenuta Manoylo

Let’s kick off with Italy. Join us as Tenuta Manoylo from the renowned yet undiscovered Marche region, a gem cherished by wine critics and enthusiasts alike, introduces its latest white wine. Noteworthy is its recent accolade: a silver medal at the esteemed MUNDUS VINI 2024 spring session, marking its debut on the international stage with one of the highest honors.

Tenuta Manoylo

Tenuta Manoylo’s wines were created to showcase the products of a land that, since the times of Picenum and Ancient Rome, has been devoted to the production of fine wines and oils, famous throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. Today, by combining innovative technologies with ancient winemaking traditions, Tenuta Manoylo’s wines offer those who savour them the unique taste of these places suspended in time.

Passo Del Borgo Falerio DOC Pecorino 2021, Silver MUNDUS VINI 2024

Tenuta Manoylo

  • APPEARANCE: It presents a beautiful straw yellow colour with golden reflections and delicate greenish nuances.
  • NOSE: Deep and ample bouquet with an elegant structure. Intense notes of white flowers and ripe fruit, accompanied by light hints of vanilla and balsamic vinegar.
  • PALATE: Remarkably structured with marked herbaceous scents. Exhibits good acidity, full-bodied, sapid, and pleasantly mineral, with a persistent finish.
  • PAIRINGS: Perfectly complements fish dishes and excellent with seafood risotto.
  • Grape: 100% Pecorino
  • Alcohol Content: 13.50%
  • Yield per Hectare: Approximately 70 quintals of grapes
  • Training System: Counter espalier
  • Pruning System: Guyot
  • Plant Density: 4,000 vines per hectare
  • Age of the Vineyard: 6 years
  • Production Area: Moresco municipalities
  • Average Altitude: 100-200 meters above sea level
  • Type of Soil: Medium texture, tending towards clayey
  • Harvest: End of August, beginning of September. Handpicked and immediately transported to the cellar for processing.
  • Vinification Technique: Soft pressing followed by an immediate lowering of the temperature. Fermentation in steel tanks at a controlled temperature, between 12 and 15 °C.
  • Ageing: Matured first in steel, then partly in cement tanks and 20% in wooden tonneaux. Bottled no earlier than a year, refined in the bottle.

Jidvei, authenticity from the heart of Transylvania

Our next stop takes us to Rumuia, where we’ll explore the vineyards of Weinland. Join us as we unveil two distinguished wines from one of Romania’s most captivating historical regions to our event attendees. In the feudal era, the vineyards in the heart of Transylvania were called Weinland – the Land of Wine, a land of fairy-tale castles and fortified Saxon churches.

Jidvei became the first wine producer in Romania to be included in the TOP 100 Premium Wine and Spirits Brands of the World 2023 by Luxury Lifestyle Awards.


75 Years of Tradition

Jidvei is a family story woven with history, passion, craftsmanship, and technology. We promote the charm of Romania and a culture of constant innovation, a vision that is uniquely ours but for all wine lovers. It has been 75 years since Jidvei wines have showcased the unique terroir of the heart of Transylvania, and we cannot stop here because tradition demands a future. And we build the future, each of us, through work and enthusiasm.

Jidvei became the first wine producer in Romania to be included in the TOP 100 Premium Wine and Spirits Brands of the World 2023 by Luxury Lifestyle Awards, alongside the most prestigious and appreciated global brands. The selection included approximately 1000 companies from France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Australia, Ireland, etc. For a family business that values the Transylvanian spirit and Romania’s viticultural reputation, this is a source of pride.


Jidvei, the largest producer of wines with Protected Designation of Origin in Romania

Jidvei owns the largest vineyard plantation in Romania and Europe, 2,500 hectares, with a unique owner. 2,500 hectares mean an extremely diverse ecosystem and a distinct terroir, and these characteristics are reflected in the variety of wines produced by Jidvei, from still wines to sparkling wines, brandies, and musts.

With over 70 labels in the portfolio, we produce wines grouped generically into two categories: wines with Geographical Indication – Transylvanian Hills (1958) and wines with the Protected Designation of Origin Jidvei.

And the over 1000 medals obtained at the most important national and international competitions are evidence of our commitment to excellence and continuity.


Built from the beginning as a legacy for future generations, Jidvei is an integrated company where sustainable economic development and responsible production are important priorities. In 2005, we established the first private vineyard school in Romania, where the nursery is the place where viticultural planting material with high biological value is produced, in the quantity necessary for new plantations. The grapes used for our wines come exclusively from our own vineyards, which translates into authenticity and constant quality.

Additionally, Jidvei is committed to continuously improving production processes, reducing carbon emissions, and preserving natural resources. The main objectives consist of environmentally friendly strategies: social responsibility regarding the importance of sustainable agriculture; restoring natural balance by supporting diversity and limiting chemical intervention; managing by-products from viticulture (70% of woody material is shredded and used as natural fertilizer and a source of humus, while 30% is used as an energy source); sustainable water management (reducing the amount of water used in phytosanitary treatments); adapting the viticultural sector to climate change (establishing plantations with varieties resistant to climatic stress).

Regarding the vineyard, we like to say that nothing is wasted. It’s an approach we apply in how we use state-of-the-art technologies – not only for performance but also as a sustainable process, which is part of a set of essential values: respect for the vine and the land, respect for people and the communities in which we operate.



Wine accompanies the story of Bethlen-Haller Castle in Cetatea de Baltă, built between 1560 – 1624, which has become a precious symbol of Jidvei. Through an extensive restoration process, begun in 2003 and lasting almost 20 years, the castle was brought to light and reinstated in the cultural heritage of the community and Romania.

Today, Bethlen-Haller Castle is more than an imposing structure. It is a generous space dedicated to wine tourism, where people find the tranquility to discover the story of wines and the beauty of the places.

Because we promote a healthy lifestyle and the desire to support the local community, we have integrated the healthy food-healthy life principle into the way our restaurant operates. Together with the team of chefs, gardeners, farmers and local producers, we aim to offer you the best culinary experience inspired by traditional Transylvanian cuisine, but also by international gastronomy.

Farm to table is more than a concept for us because we believe that what we eat influences our well-being and the harmony in which we live with the environment. This is why we use as many ingredients as possible from our own farm located on the grounds of the Castle.

We set up a garden of approximately 5 hectares cultivated in an organic system, to have fresh vegetables, fruits and aromatic herbs for as long as possible the sowing of crops is staggered. As we promote the Romanian research field, most of the seeds we use in our garden are sourced locally.

Because the future means education and continuing tradition

We believe that the most important investment we can make is in people, so in 2010, we founded the Jidvei – Future through Education Association. The association has directed its efforts towards activities and programs to support kindergartens in the area, granting scholarships for children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as scholarships and awards for students with exceptional academic results. Through the Jidvei – Future through Education Association, we encourage, support, and promote excellence in any field and provide financial support for various cultural and sports activities.

We also want to actively contribute to preserving Romanian spiritual values and to carry on the true treasures of traditional song and folk costume. In the early 2000s, we initiated the National Folklore Festival “Strugurele de Aur” (Golden Grape), the only folk festival with private support in the country. A prestigious event that has stood out for its rigor and professionalism, becoming a reference point for profile events nationwide.

Wine means steadfastness and roots, and we are ancestrally linked to wine through ancient traditions, which we have chosen not to forget but to honor through everything we do. We remain faithful to our commitment to make known the reputation of Romanian wine both at home and abroad, through the authenticity and quality of Jidvei wines.

Mysterium Rosé Brut Vintage 2021


For over 60 years, at Jidvei we have been producing sparkling wines using the traditional method. These wines undergo fermentation, clarification, and are delivered in the same bottle where the second fermentation takes place, giving them their characteristic effervescence. Producing sparkling wines requires a lengthy period, and the operations performed during this time – bottling, fermentation, riddling, disgorging – are carried out manually.

The skill and imagination of the winemakers, combined with the gentle passage of time, find expression in the velvety texture, the fine and persistent effervescence, the balance between the specific acidity of the Târnave Vineyard terroir, the floral notes, and the fruity character of the Mysterium Rosé Brut Vintage 2021 sparkling wine.

Mysterium Rosé Brut Vintage 2021, a sparkling wine with a light salmon-pink color, with an exceptionally fine, intense, and persistent effervescence, obtained using the traditional method from Pinot Noir grapes vinified rosé. The delicate olfactory intensity combines primary notes of red fruits, especially cherries and strawberries, with subtle notes of pastry and brioche typical of the time spent on fine lees. The high acidity is perfectly balanced by the level of sugars and the generous creamy texture. The delicate flavors of strawberry tart and the subtle hints of raspberry and May cherries make Mysterium Rosé Brut 2021 a remarkable sparkling wine.

Technical information:

  • Harvest year: 2021
  • Alcohol: 12%
  • Taste profile: Brut
  • Sugar level: 8 g/L
  • Total acidity: 6.7 g/L
  • Harvest: manual

Winemaking process:

  • Fermentation – in the presence of selected yeasts, fermentation temperature is 10-12°C
  • Fermentation process duration is 25-30 days
  • Maturation – minimum 36 months, on fine lees

Tasting note:

  • Appearance, color: light salmon-pink
  • Aroma: red fruits, cherries and strawberries, subtle notes of pastry and brioche
  • Taste: creamy texture, high acidity, strawberry tart, raspberry and cherries

Eiswein Jidvei 2018 


This wine embodies golden excellence in every aspect. Eiswein Jidvei 2018 is an emblematic wine for Jidvei, a wine perfected by time, both in the vineyard and in the bottle, where the generosity of nature from the Târnave Valley combines with efforts to create memorable wines.

When frost descends upon the hills of Târnave, the vineyards here are not barren. Grapes from the Traminer Roz variety are harvested after the freezing nights at the beginning of winter to produce a precious dessert wine, Eiswein – Ice Wine. Enduring the wise cold of Transylvanian winters, they dehydrate and gather much more sweetness and a deep richness of aromas.

For the 2018 Eiswein Jidvei, grapes from the parcels kept near the Tăuni winery were handpicked on December 2, 2018. The harvest was carried out quickly, under strict temperature conditions, below -7°C, to prevent the water remaining in the berries from thawing. Thus, healthy and frozen grapes reached the winery in the shortest time possible, where they were immediately pressed.

Eiswein Jidvei 2018 is a masterpiece in the art of winemaking, which nature only allows us to fully appreciate in certain years, those special years in which we write amazing stories with and about wine. Eiswein Jidvei 2018 is the result of a special harvest and the expression of an exceptional viticultural year. A consistent wine with shades of ripened honey, a wine that stands out with its golden to bright amber color and notes of yellow watermelon, mango, apricots, and quince. Recommended as a dessert wine, Eiswein Jidvei is intended for special moments or occasions.

Technical information:

  • Harvest year: 2018
  • Alcohol: 11.05%
  • Taste profile: sweet
  • Residual sugars: 184 g/L
  • Total acidity: 5.92 g/L
  • Volume: 0.375 L
  • Harvest: manual

Winemaking process:

  • Skin maceration, 6 – 8 hours
  • Fermentation: in the presence of selected yeasts, at temperatures of 18°C – 20°C
  • Maturation: in stainless steel tanks, minimum 6 months, on fine yeast sediment
  • Bottling: after 6 months from the end of alcoholic fermentation

Tasting note:

  • Appearance, color: clear, golden to bright amber
  • Aroma: apricots, quince, honey
  • Taste: yellow watermelon, mango, apricots, quince, ripened honey

Careful vineyard management, gentle processing of the grapes, longer wine maturation, and aging in the bottle are equally important to create an expressive dessert wine like Eiswein Jidvei 2018, which delights with aromas of ripe fruits, honey, beeswax, and delicate notes of roses, almonds, and ginger.

Shumi Winery and Estate

Shumi Winery and Estate, a part of Shumi Estate, Tsinandali, Georgia, – another stop The Wine Travel Awards Tasting Around the Sustainable WorldIt comes from the places where it all began. After all, Shumi Winery is located in Georgia, the cradle of winemaking.


Shumi Winery and Estate is rooted in deep Georgian wine traditions. We thrive to be a connecting point between the past, with 8,000 years of winemaking history, and the future of Georgia and winemaking. We believe that tradition and modernity should go hand in hand, allowing us to stand strong on our roots while looking far in the future with creativity in mind.  Since 1997, we have thrived on creating each year the best and purest expression of our terroirs using traditional Georgian winemaking methods blended with modern techniques.

Today we are one of the leading Georgian wineries, with 200 hectares of vineyards, a modern winery using together in harmony stainless steel, oak, and qvevris, the Georgian traditional winemaking vessels.

We also have a museum safeguarding some of the artifacts we found while building our winery and an award-winning tourist complex.

Salome Single Vineyard 2013



The terroir “Salome” is located in the historical place «Didkure», in Napareuli PDO, which in the past belonged to the kings of Georgia and Prince Alexander Chavchavadze.

This 1.9 ha of Saperavi is composed of 25 YO vines, at a density of 2650 vines/ha, with a maximum production of 30HL/ha.

The vineyard is located on southern , diluvial, rich in minerals slope of the Caucasus Mountains, on the left bank of the Alazani River, at an altitude of 450 m above sea level, and is surrounded by wildlife.

Managed in biodynamic, all operations are done by hand, including canopy management, green harvesting and harvest.

Vintage 2013


  • After reception of the grapes at the winery, a selection is made.
  • Bunches are partly destemmed, before alcoholic fermentation starts in Vicard Foudre, specially created out of 250 YO oak, with medium toast.
  • Fermentation proceeds at 23-28C, with pigeage.
  • 12 days maceration, before malolactic fermentation.
  • MLF and ageing are done in 225L Vicard new oak barrels, medium toast. The wine will develop in these barrels for 11 months.


  • 100% Saperavi

Tasting notes (wine tasted December 2023)

Deep purple colour with brick rim. Aromas of confied red and black cherries, with blckberry jam undertones. The wine is full bodied, well balanced, with flavors of evolved balck and red fruits leather, forest floor, with ripe, fully integrated tannins, well balanced by the acidity, leading to a long lasting finish.


This remarkable beverage, blending national characteristics with a progressive technological approach, hails from Ukraine, a nation currently facing the challenges of military conflict. Due to the military conflict, we do not yet invite guests to this extremely beautiful country. But we offer to get acquainted with the strong character of Ukrainians, which is conveyed in this spirit.

In November 2023, RUTA took part in the famous international competition in the UK – CRAFT SPIRITS AWARDS, which took place in London. At this competition, RUTA became one of the winners and received a gold medal.

RUTA balm


RUTA is a craft herbal balm created from 96 of the best botanicals collected from different parts of our beautiful Ukraine.  Many of these plants have long been known for their magical properties that give strength and protection. Some of them are endemic. The balm is made by alcohol maceration of berries, flowers, herbs, roots and spices. This is followed by a blending process with the addition of prepared water, high-quality alcohol and sugar syrup. Alc – 36%vol. The balm does not contain any colouring or flavouring agents.

The balm is not a medicine, but rather a delicious alcoholic beverage with a very complex and pleasant aroma and flavour profile. It is a classic digestive. It is not cold-filtered to preserve all the shades of flavours and aromas that nature gives us. RUTA is a bitter liqueur.

RUTA has a Ukrainian character. It is soft, rounded, and fragrant. At the same time, it is strong and has an extraordinary power to invigorate the body and soul. The floral composition is well balanced and creates a complex aroma with notes of berries, herbs, spices and citrus. The taste combines spicy, spicy and sweet-bitter tones. RUTA is also an excellent base for cocktails of varying complexity.

And the last point of the trip is Portugal and its personification: Taylor’s Historical Edition Tawny Port III

Taylor’s Historical Edition Tawny Port III


This special Reserve Tawny Port is created through a blend of red wine grapes grown in the Douro Valley in Portugal and has been aged in small oak barrels.

This unique port wine is presented in a historic bottle dating back to the 18th century and delivered in a beautifully crafted wooden box.

Taylor’s Historical

This blend is carefully composed of carefully selected Port wines from Taylor’s impressive selection of oak-aged Tawny wines and has a unique character with the familiar fullness and aftertaste that Taylor’s is known for.

The port displays a deep, brick-red color with a reddish tinge and a ripe, complex aroma that contains gentle nuances of plums, figs, marzipan and toffee. It also offers an elegant touch of cigar box, cedar and leather, which gives the fragrance an exotic touch. The taste is intense and refined, with a seductive fullness, softness and roundness as well as notes of fruitcake and fresh plums. These flavors are followed by subtle, well-integrated tannins and a long, pleasant aftertaste.

Taylor’s Historical

Taylor’s remains independent and focuses on quality and innovation. Their wines are known to age for decades and have received high praise from reviewers such as Robert Parker. Taylor’s is particularly known for their vintage ports, which they produce in declared vintages, and for their old tawny ports, which they occasionally bottle in special editions, such as the Very Very Old Tawny Port for Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee.

Cheers and very welcome to the WTA event at Prowein!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 2 p.m.


ProWein, the renowned wine expo in Düsseldorf, presents an array of tastings and events tailored for wine professionals. Among them is the esteemed yet intimate affair, The Wine Travel Awards Tasting Around the Sustainable World, called Weinland. Scheduled for Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 2 p.m., this event promises a genuine voyage. Experience firsthand the […]

Time to Rally for Your Favorites: Wine Travel Awards Voting is Live

Distinguished wine enthusiasts, we are delighted to announce the commencement of the highly anticipated voting stage for the 2023–2024 Wine Travel Awards. With 16 captivating categories covering the full spectrum of wine tourism excellence, this is your opportunity to actively participate and elevate outstanding professionals in our industry. 

Public Voting Is Open!

Public voting is now open from March 1st through April 1st, 2024. During this period, we sincerely encourage you to visit the WTA website, thoroughly review the impressive nominee profiles, and cast your votes for those you deem most deserving of recognition.

The competition is sure to be fierce, so rally support from fellow wine lovers in your community and make your voices heard. Share why certain nominees inspire you and compel you to vote for their success.

Judging Excellence

Then from April 1st, our esteemed judging committee, consisting of 12 highly qualified professionals, will undertake the honorable yet difficult task of selecting one supreme winner in each category. Winners will be announced in May and formally honored at the glamorous WTA ceremony in London this June.

Categories & Nominations

Below you can find the short descriptions for all WTA categories and nominations. We hope that it will make your choice easier!

The Visiting Card of the Country

Wine Travel Awards Voting is Live

Destinations, wineries, national brands, establishments with a wine program: hotels, local food restaurants, bars, museums of wines and specialties, tasting rooms. This category include the following nominations:

  • Region of the year

This nomination presents consortiums, wine offices, and tourism programs worldwide. You can discover initiatives showcasing lesser-known wine-producing countries, highlighting their unique locations, renowned wines, historical sites, and cultural treasures.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Must Visit

Here you can explore individual objects or destinations located on tourist routes, and which are the enogastronomic attractions of the region.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Brand – the Visiting Card of the Country

This nomination is devoted to the brands (beverages and food) produced in the country of origin from 100% local raw materials. Brands are distinguished by a high level of quality, active marketing strategy, as well as national and international distribution.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Progressive Approach

Here you are welcome to look at the entities that have actual evidence of compliance with international principles of sustainable development, environmental friendliness and other features of progressive approaches.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Art & History Object

This nomination presents facilities that have a status of an art object or facilities that can confirm the fact that their architecture belongs to a sample of art or history.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!



Ambassadors are persons representing wines, regions, enogastronomic routes, brands; associations, consortia, national wine bureaus, tourist offices, and tour operators. This category include the following nominations:

  • Creative Strategy

This nomination is devoted to the entities who have the status of the ambassador of wine / a region / a road of wine and taste. Their activities are characterized by a special creative approach, creative solutions, and original views.

Visit the nomination  Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Ambassador of the Year

Nominees in this category are ambassadors for wine, regions, or wine routes, showing dedication to enogastronomic associations. Recognized for over a year as promoters, their activities are confirmed by official sources, endorsements, and media. This category applauds entities with a distinctive and creative ambassadorial approach.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

Wine & Food Influencer

Wine & Food Influencer

Journalists, professional media, bloggers, photographers and videographers. This category include the following nominations:

  • The Brightest Journey

Here you can discover authors whose creative work includes a report from an enogastronomic tour or a report from a trip to an interesting region, a specific object of the wine road, etc.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Author of the Year

This nomination is dedicated to the authors of literary works (a guidebook, a reference book, etc.) or a series of publications in any mass media on enogastronomic topics.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Expert Opinion

Here you can take a look at the authors whose publications demonstrate in-depth knowledge in the field of enogastronomy and / or the peculiarities of a region.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

Education in Enotourism

Education in Enotourism

Wine museums, wine institutes, tasting rooms, including those located on the premises of the wineries, academies of enogastronomy, wine schools participating in tourist projects, organizers of tours to exhibitions, etc. This category include the following nominations:

  • Cultural Mission

The nomination aims to identify educational institutions and programs with a special cultural mission (revival of traditions, promotion of advanced technologies, etc.).

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Unique Program

This nomination involves an original educational or tour program, special tasting organizations and tours.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

Wine Guide

Wine Guide

Guides, guides-representatives of wine regions, tour operators, etc. This category include the following nominations:

  • Top Guide

This nomination presents individuals with three years of experience, outstanding professional achievements, and knowledge in the field of enogastronomy.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Travel Operator of the Year

Here you can find guides or travel companies that have independently developed enogastronomic tours along a unique route in their portfolio.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

Enogastronomic Events

Enogastronomic Events

Festivals, wine days and local products days, exhibitions, promotion programs. This category include the following nominations:

  • Event of the Year

The nomination aims to identify important events (Days of wines, local products, festivals, gastronomic summits, online symposia), which took place during the year before the current year of the award.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

  • Magnet of the Region

The nomination helps to support the organizers of professional events (enogastronomic festivals, exhibitions, tastings, and auctions) aimed at promoting local and international producers of craft drinks and local specialties.

Visit the nomination Choose the favorite and vote!

This is not merely a competition though. It is a celebration of the incredible passion, skill, and camaraderie found in wine tourism that we cherish being a part of. We thank you for engaging with WTA and for helping to shine a light on those elevating our industry. During voting and beyond, please stay connected with us by subscribing to WTA updates. Share your perspectives, discover new insights, and let’s revel in this magical world of wine together.

Now is the time. Scout talent, speak up through votes, and shape the future of wine tourism and the WTA. Join us on this exciting journey!

Don’t forget to subscribe and follow our news on social media:



Distinguished wine enthusiasts, we are delighted to announce the commencement of the highly anticipated voting stage for the 2023–2024 Wine Travel Awards. With 16 captivating categories covering the full spectrum of wine tourism excellence, this is your opportunity to actively participate and elevate outstanding professionals in our industry.  Public Voting Is Open! Public voting is now open from March […]

Azienda Agricola Arrighi – “underwater winery” of the Wine Travel Awards at the Eccellenza di Toscana exhibition

Every year, the Wine Travel Awards is replenished with more and more interesting nominees; our community is expanding geographically and professionally, and some nominees surprise us with completely unique products. This season, the nominee with such a unique production is Azienda Agricola Arrighi, whose owner – seignior Antonio Arrighi, is called Multitalented Wine Entrepreneur.

In 2019, the world heard about Nesos – “underwater wine”, the recipe of which dates back to ancient times and is almost 2.5 thousand years old: before aging the wine in amphorae, grapes are immersed for a certain time in sea water, and then laid out to wither on the sun. The first release of Nesos was just 40 bottles, and the excitement surrounding the presentation was so great that only half of the two hundred journalists could get to the press conference.

Антонио Ариги

Today Nesos can be tasted at seignior Antonio Arrighi‘s wineries by pre-booked visit or at special events in which Azienda Agricola Arrighi participates.

On March 2 and 3, such an event will be the 22nd Eccellenza di Toscana exhibition, dedicated to the tasting of the best wines of Tuscany and organized by AIS Toscana. This will be held at Stazione Leopolda in Florence. The Nesos Azienda Agricola Arrighi tasting will take place on March 3. There is no doubt that at the Antonio Arrighi counter, as always, there is going to be a long line of people wishing to try the one-of-a-kind wine.

Azienda Agricola Arrighi

The presence of the grapes in salt water creates a marine note in the “nose” and the taste of ripe fruit in the “body”, and a large amount of mineral residues after maceration in clay vessels makes it less acidic.

Every year, the Wine Travel Awards is replenished with more and more interesting nominees; our community is expanding geographically and professionally, and some nominees surprise us with completely unique products. This season, the nominee with such a unique production is Azienda Agricola Arrighi, whose owner – seignior Antonio Arrighi, is called Multitalented Wine Entrepreneur. In […]


41,253 visitors from 137 countries, 4,070 exhibitors from 48 countries, and more than 100 events, seminars, tastings and conferences. These are the results achieved by the main Vinexposium exhibition, which reflects political and economic trends in the wine and spirits industry – Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris.

In 2024, Drinks+ & Wine Travel Awards continues fruitful and active cooperation with Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris. And we are glad to remind you once again that Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris has become a nominee of Wine Travel Awards in Enogastronomic Events / Event of the Year.

As part of the partnership between Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris and the Wine Travel Awards, the Wine Travel Awards Guide 2022-2023 was distributed at the exhibition, a unique printed and digital catalog that brings together members of the WTA community for the second award season. The guide will also be on the Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris website. The WTA Guide is a real navigator in the fascinating world of wine and wine tourism for professionals and wine lovers.

From February 12 to 14, 2024, Paris opened a window to the world of wines and spirits more widely than ever before – Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris reached new heights, exceeding all expectations of the organizers.

41,253 visitors from 137 countries, 4,070 exhibitors from 48 countries, and more than 100 events, seminars, tastings and conferences with the entire international wine and spirits industry.

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris

On the first day of the event (February 12), the Vinexpo Challenge took place – a traditional blind tasting organized by the International Association of Sommeliers (ASI) and Vinexposium. Raimonds Tomsons (Latvia), the best sommelier of the world 2023 and Valeria Gamper (Argentina), the best sommelier of North and South America 2022, participated.

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris

And the very next day – February 13, in contrast to the Vinexpo Challenge, where deep knowledge and skills were demonstrated live by the best sommeliers, artificial intelligence surprised visitors with its skills. AI is currently revolutionizing many industries – the bar and liquor industry is no exception. From developing new recipes to optimizing operations, marketing and customer engagement, the potential of AI can bring efficiency to every stage of the alcoholic beverage creation process. Through a selection of case studies, visitors had the opportunity to learn exactly how to incorporate these technological advances into their toolkit to design, create, develop, analyze, optimize and promote the bars, cocktails and spirits of the future.

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris

La Nouvelle Vague – an exclusive platform designed for young producers in the wine industry with less than 5 years of experience – attracted huge interest from visitors. Exhibitors of La Nouvelle Vague were given individual space to present their debut wines in ideal conditions to an audience of qualified distributors. The aim of La Nouvelle Vague is to give young producers just starting their journey a decisive boost at Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris and allow them to develop their distribution network in France and abroad.

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris

In an expanded format (1500 m2), with more than 140 alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, beer and cider exhibitors, Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris presented Be Spirits, a platform dedicated to spirits, beer, cider and mixology of the future. Innovative events and concepts were also presented, which will help decipher new market trends, discover products that destroy stereotypes and are able to unite producers, distributors, bartenders and experts, for the sake of building the business of the future.

Among the new Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris directions:

  • NO/LOW – as a response to the rapid development of the non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks market. About twenty international brands were presented: non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beverages, including exquisite tinctures, functional beverages (non-alcoholic beverages containing minerals, vitamins, amino acids, probiotics, etc.), etc.;
  • BEERS & CIDERS is the main novelty of this year’s exhibition, the zone of beer and cider, the consumption of which has grown rapidly in recent years.

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris

INFINITE BAR impressed visitors with its scale – in the largest temporary cocktail bar in France (40 meters long) twenty world famous cocktail bars worked, including three guest bars from London, Barcelona and Madrid. Bartenders and mixologists collaborated for three days to offer visitors their first-class mixes.

CRAFT PAVILION offered a line of inspiring authentic brands from young talented makers.

The educational program of Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris deserves special attention. Speakeasy room became a place for lively reports, panel discussions and master classes conducted by international industry experts.

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris9

Since 2022, Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris, like all Vinexposium events, has committed to achieving an important and ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. In 2023, Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris became the first Vinexposium event to measure and take action to reduce carbon emissions based on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) performance indicators aimed at achieving carbon neutrality. A team of professionals has defined indicators that allow us to measure, adjust and track the consequences of our actions over time. Their monitoring is carried out using the Climeet resource developed by Green Evénements. Detailed indicators and results can be found here. After the event, exhibitors and visitors, service providers and partners were consulted to jointly carry out the first carbon audit of Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris.

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris

More information on the website.

41,253 visitors from 137 countries, 4,070 exhibitors from 48 countries, and more than 100 events, seminars, tastings and conferences. These are the results achieved by the main Vinexposium exhibition, which reflects political and economic trends in the wine and spirits industry – Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris. In 2024, Drinks+ & Wine Travel Awards continues […]


Congratulations to WTA nominee Daria Kholodilina from Georgia, who won the IWSC 2024 Emerging Talent in Wine Award sponsored by the London Wine Fair!

The list of exceptionally talented candidates for this award was announced last week. After a detailed review, the judges chose Daria Kholodilina. They were simply fascinated by Daria’s creativity and abilities. “It changes and moves forward the entire Georgian wine industry,” experts noted. “Her influence, ingenuity and work are creating markets and changing the way we think about wine.”

Daria Kholodilina is an expert in the field of wine tourism in Georgia, she is a big fan and popularizer of Georgian wine, has a WSET 3, Georgian Wine Expert certified by the Georgian Sommelier Association. She regularly blogs about Georgian wine in social networks. In 2022, Daria Kholodilina joined the WTA community in the nomination Wine & Food Influencer/The Brightest Journey.

Daria was born in Ukraine, and in 2013 she moved to Georgia and has since fallen in love with this country. She participated in the development of Georgia’s national tourism strategy for 2015-2025, focusing on marketing and promotion.

The judges were impressed by how Daria Kholodilina acquired deep knowledge in such a deep topic as Georgian wine in a few years and became a respected specialist in the field. She is the co-author of the book about Georgian wine, the only English-language guide to the wine regions of Georgia “Georgia: A Guide to the Cradle of Wine“;  she hosts a podcast and radio show on the same topic, and also created her own wine tourism company, Trails and Wines.

In 2020, Daria spent several months traveling around Georgia, visiting wineries and filming interviews with winemakers. She gave her notes to Georgian wine importers in Germany, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands to help them promote the wines. In addition, Daria organizes training on the development of wine tourism and conducts numerous tasting events, presenting Georgian wine in Georgia and abroad.

The IWSC 2024 Emerging Talent in Wine judges praised Daria Kholodilina’s work and expressed their admiration for her intention to use her £2.5k travel award to help her community and expand her impact. In her application, Daria said she had two ideas for how to spend her scholarship – an internship at a European winery to conduct more in-depth training sessions for Georgian winemakers, and representing small Georgian producers at one of the major trade fairs.

Daria Kholodilina is sincerely happy about her award: “Georgian wines have already received several medals from the IWSC, but I am happy to bring home the first award in the field of wine communication and marketing in Georgia!”

The Wine Travel Awards team hopes that this year will be a stellar one for Daria – and she will win this project as well. Public voting for the nominees of the 2024 award will start on March 1 and we invite readers to support Daria by visiting her page from March 1 to 31 and giving her a “like”.

Congratulations to WTA nominee Daria Kholodilina from Georgia, who won the IWSC 2024 Emerging Talent in Wine Award sponsored by the London Wine Fair! The list of exceptionally talented candidates for this award was announced last week. After a detailed review, the judges chose Daria Kholodilina. They were simply fascinated by Daria’s creativity and abilities. […]

ProWein Dusseldorf Once Again Hosts Wine Travel Awards

In 2024, the renowned ProWein trade fair for wine and spirits will once again welcome thousands of global wine professionals to Dusseldorf from March 10 to 12.

The collaborative partnership between the Wine Travel Awards, an innovative annual global project in the field of wine tourism initiated by Communication Media Group Drinks+, and one of the primary exhibitions, persists with continued success.

This year in collaboration with ProWein the Wine Travel Awards Team will gather the professionals in the global wine and spirits market to take place at the ProWein forum event: The Wine Travel Awards Tasting Around the Sustainable World.

  • FORUM is located in hall 13, booth F100.
  • Date: Tuesday, 12.03.2024
  • 14.00 — 15.00

In the framework of the event Wine Travel Awards presents the Wine Tasting showcasing six Community Members of the project. These producers, hailing from various countries worldwide, embody established models of business and production.

Gergely Szolnoki

In addition, attendees of the event will have the opportunity to savor the results of progressive practices, and the theoretical “aperitif” of the tasting will be a brilliant performance of Prof. Dr. Gergely Szolnoki* from Geisenheim University, the WTA jury for the third year in a row, who will address: where does sustainable wine tourism start and where does it end; which concrete measures contribute most effectively to the sustainable development of the wine tourism sector; and what are the main drivers and barriers to the implementation of sustainable wine tourism. The conclusions and specific recommendations, set out in the presentation, are based on study the guidelines and best practice of more than 1,500 wineries in 42 countries – the main drivers of sustainable wine tourism.

Moreover, at the ProWein international trade press stand, the Wine Travel Awards (WTA) Guide 2022—2023* — the final catalogue of the WTA community members of the second WTA season, a unique print and digital edition is going to be presented and distributed.

The WTA Guide aims to showcase the most dynamic and inventive wine and spirit businesses, brands, personalities, and projects participating in the second edition of the Wine Travel Awards. Beyond the printed version, the WTA Guide will be featured on the Digital Trade Press Stand — an online platform by Messe Düsseldorf, enhancing its visibility through integration with the ProWein Web Portal.

For more details, contact us via partnership@winetravelawards.com

*Communication Media Group Drinks+ has been operating within the Eastern and Southern Europe markets since 1993, and have been successfully working as a media partner with the ProWine exhibition for 15 years.

*Gergely Szolnoki, Professor of Market Research at Geisenheim University (Germany) and honorary professor of Wine and Beverage Management & Marketing at the University of West Attica (Athens/Greece). His research fields cover consumer behaviour, communication and social media, organic wines, market analysis and wine tourism. In addition to his scientific activities, Gergely is a delegated expert in the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) in the fields of wine economics and statistics.


In 2024, the renowned ProWein trade fair for wine and spirits will once again welcome thousands of global wine professionals to Dusseldorf from March 10 to 12. The collaborative partnership between the Wine Travel Awards, an innovative annual global project in the field of wine tourism initiated by Communication Media Group Drinks+, and one of the […]

Toast to Elegance: London Wine Fair 2024 Showcases the Finest in Vinicultural Excellence

The London Wine Fair 2024 will take place from 20th to 22th May at Olympia London. It is the UK’s biggest and most loved wine trade fair, connecting over 10,000 drinks industry professionals. Last year, London Wine Fair, the official exhibition partner of Drinks+ and Wine Travel Awards, brought together more than 400 exhibitors and over 10,000 visitors. The WTA Awards Ceremony was held for the second time at London Wine Fair 2023.

Scheduled to take place at Olympia from May 20th to 22nd, the 2024 edition builds upon the success of the 2023 show, which boasted over 400 exhibitors and welcomed more than 10,000 visitors. There is a packed schedule of masterclasses, tastings, and impactful industry sessions. All visitors and exhibitors get access to a digital networking and show planner platform.

London Wine Fair

Remarkably, the LWF reported the highest number of on-site re-bookings during a show since at least 2017, with prominent UK agents, including Hatch Mansfield, Enotria&Coe, ABS Wine Agencies, Felix Solis, Friarwood Fine Wines, EWGA, Ellis Wines, and Richmond Wine Agencies, already confirming their return for the upcoming year.

London Wine Fair

What to Expect in 2024?

The 2024 show sees the return of key industry players after several years. Mentzendorff has already confirmed participation, with other major names expected to commit in the coming days and weeks. The increased focus on fine wine exhibitors is highlighted by a new feature, “The Judgement of London,” paying homage to the historic 1976 Judgement of Paris. This event will witness blind tastings of top Bordeaux estates against their New World counterparts on the first day of The Fair, co-curated by Ronan Sayburn MS, CEO at The Court of Master Sommeliers Europe, and accessible by invitation only.

Following a challenging two years, the success of the 2023 London Wine Fair positions the event for an unmissable 2024 showcase. The Net Promoter Score for the 2023 fair, a measure of brand success criteria, was an exceptional 23.7, surpassing the industry average of four. This score, 22 points higher than in 2022, provides a significant endorsement for the recent show and signals anticipated growth and success for future events.

London Wine Fair

The survey also highlighted the high-quality visitor audience, with those holding direct buying power increasing to 43% from 36% in 2022. The most represented job title was “director,” accounting for just under 10% of the audience. Investments made to attract the on-trade, especially after a turbulent three years in this sector, paid off, with “sommelier” being the second-highest recorded job title, and 34% of the total visitor audience representing the on-trade.

Hannah Tovey, Head of the Fair, expressed her excitement, stating, “We are absolutely delighted to welcome back so many of the UK’s leading players so early in the planning for 2024. It is particularly gratifying that some are returning after a significant break, a ringing endorsement not only for the importance of the London Wine Fair but also for trading conditions in the UK. We are looking forward to announcing several new initiatives and groundbreaking content alongside our exhibitor news and content over the coming months.”

The London Wine Fair features nine unique areas each focusing on different aspects of wine, drinks, and the alcohol industry, providing a comprehensive experience for visitors.

London Wine Fair

London Wine Fair Areas

The London Wine Fair has nine distinct areas covering different themes related to wine, spirits, beer, cider, and the alcohol industry.

  • Drinks Britannia showcases the best British-made alcoholic drinks.
  • The Education Zone helps visitors develop their knowledge about alcoholic drinks.
  • Esoterica features exclusive and rare wines from specialist importers.
  • The Discovery Zone showcases the latest innovations in wine tech, sustainability, and startups.
  • Masterclasses offer guided tastings of wines from top regions by experts.
  • The Trading Floor allows visitors to stock up on wines for retail and restaurants.
  • Industry Briefings deliver insights on key industry topics by experts.
  • Walk-Up Tastings allow sampling wines from around the world.
  • Wines Unearthed features never-before-imported wines to the UK.
  • The Mindful Drinking Experience covers low and no alcohol trends.
  • Other features include the Wine Buyers Awards, spirits/beer discovery, Judgement of London wine tasting, and talks at the Centre Stage.

Visit the website to find out more details.

The London Wine Fair 2024 will take place from 20th to 22th May at Olympia London. It is the UK’s biggest and most loved wine trade fair, connecting over 10,000 drinks industry professionals. Last year, London Wine Fair, the official exhibition partner of Drinks+ and Wine Travel Awards, brought together more than 400 exhibitors and over 10,000 […]

V d’Or laureate, Bernard Magrez Group, will participate in Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris-2024

From February 12, 2024, the leading European exhibition – Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris – will start in Paris, where it will gather under its roof 4,026 exhibitors and 40,000 specialist visitors from all over the world.

Among the participants of Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris-2024 are such giants of the world wine industry as the Bernard Magrez Group, which includes real stars: Château Pape Clément (Grand Cru Classé of Graves), Château La Tour Carnet (Grand Cru Classé, Haut-Médoc), Château Fombrauge (Grand Cru Classé of Saint-Émilion), Clos Haut-Peyraguey (Premier Grand Cru Classé of Sauternes) and dozens more outstanding wineries from different countries of the world. All these incredible wines will be waiting for guests at the stand of Bernard Magrez Group (Hall 4 – D133).

Visitors to the stand may be lucky enough to meet the Maestro himself – Monsieur Bernard Magrez, the most creative and prominent figure in the modern wine world. Bernard Magre became famous not only for the high quality of his wines, but also for his patronage of artistic projects and outstanding start-ups.

Bernard Magrez Group

This year Bernard Magrez Start-Up Win was nominated for the V d’Or, Vinexposium’s Business Awards, in the “Best Transmission Initiatives” category. The award will be presented at a festive ceremony on February 11, during La Nuit des V d’Or, on the eve of Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris. The V d’Or award recognizes outstanding performance and sustainability achievements by industry representatives.

Bernard Magrez Group

Rodolphe Lameyse, CEO of Vinexposium, commented on the event’s mission: “The V d’Or award is a firm expression of our commitment to a sustainable and responsible wine industry, a symbol of excellence and the preservation of our terroir for future generations.”

“The wine world is full of strong personalities who constantly reveal themselves through ambitious initiatives and projects. We established the V d’Or to reward their energy and enthusiasm,” explains Michel Chapoutier, chairman of the V d’Or committee.

The Wine Travel Awards team congratulates the winner and is proud to emphasize that it feels this pleasant event as a personal holiday. In 2023, WTA was selected out of 2,000 startups to be a member of the Bernard Magrez Start-Up Win Incubator and we are now part of an active environment that supports valuable ideas and projects that contribute to the development of the wine industry and wine tourism.

Photos: facebook.com/Bernard.Magrez.Vignobles.Proprietaire

From February 12, 2024, the leading European exhibition – Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris – will start in Paris, where it will gather under its roof 4,026 exhibitors and 40,000 specialist visitors from all over the world. Among the participants of Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris-2024 are such giants of the world wine industry as […]

Bernard Magrez Group, лауреат V d’Or, візьме участь у Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris-2024

З 12 лютого 2024 року у Парижі стартує провідна виставка Європи – Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris, яка збере під своїм дахом 4026 експонентів та 40 000 відвідувачів-фахівців з усього світу.

Серед учасників Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris-2024 – такі гранди світової винної галузі, як Bernard Magrez Group, до якої входять справжні зірки: Château Pape Clément (Grand Cru Classé of Graves), Château La Tour Carnet (Grand Cru Classé, Haut-Médoc), Château Fombrauge (Grand Cru Classé of Saint-Émilion), Clos Haut-Peyraguey (Premier Grand Cru Classé of Sauternes) та ще десятки видатних виноробень з різних країн світу. Усі ці неймовірни вина чекатимуть гостей на стенді Bernard Magrez Group (Hall 4 – D133).

Можливо відвідувачам стенду пощастить зустрітися з самим Маестро – месьє Бернаром Магре, найбільш креативною та видатною фігурою сучасного винного світу. Бернар Магре уславився не лише вищою якістю своїх вин, а й меценатською підтримкою мистецьких проєктів та видатних стартапів.

Bernard Magrez Group

Цього року Bernard Magrez Start-Up Win було номіновано на V d’Or, Vinexposium’s Business Awards, у категорії «Best Transmission Initiatives», премія буде вручена на святкової церемонії 11 лютого, під час La Nuit des V d’Or, напередодні Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris. Премія V d’Or відзначає видатні досягнення представників галузі з погляду продуктивності та сталого розвитку.

Bernard Magrez Group

Месьє Родольф Ламейз (Rodolphe Lameyse), СЕО Vinexposium так прокоментував місію заходу: «Нагорода V d’Or є твердим вираженням нашої прихильності до стійкої та відповідальної виноробної промисловості, символом досконалості та збереження нашого терруару для майбутніх поколінь».

«Винний світ сповнений сильних особистостей, які постійно виявляють себе через амбітні ініціативи та проєкти. Ми розробили V d’Or, щоб винагородити їх енергію та ентузіазм», – пояснює задум Мішель Шапутьє (Michel Chapoutier), голова комітету V d’Or.

Команда Wine Travel Awards вітає переможця і з гордістю підкреслює, що відчуває цю приємну подію як особисте свято. У 2023 році WTA було обрано з 2000 стартапів до членства Інкубаторі Bernard Magrez Start-Up Win і тепер ми є частиною активного середовища, яке підтримує цінні ідеї та проєкти, що сприяють розвитку індустрії вина та винного туризму.

Фото: facebook.com/Bernard.Magrez.Vignobles.Proprietaire

З 12 лютого 2024 року у Парижі стартує провідна виставка Європи – Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris, яка збере під своїм дахом 4026 експонентів та 40 000 відвідувачів-фахівців з усього світу. Серед учасників Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris-2024 – такі гранди світової винної галузі, як Bernard Magrez Group, до якої входять справжні зірки: Château Pape […]
