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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Nina Basset

The WTA judge Nina Basset becomes ASI General Secretary

24.11.2022, News

The Wine Travel Awards judge, FIH Hotelier, Mentor, Co-Founding Trustee and Chair of the Gerard Basset Foundation, Co-Founder and Vice President of the UK Sommelier Academy Nina Basset becomes ASI General Secretary.

“Delighted to be part of ASI – Association de la Sommellerie Internationale as a Board Member”, commented on her Facebook Page.

“Throughout many years Nina has maintained strong links with ASI and its worldwide community of Sommeliers and most recently Nina helped to co found the ASI affiliated, United Kingdom Sommelier Academy, where she is Vice President”, noted at ASI – Association de la Sommellerie Internationale.

In the interview to the WTA Project Lead Oleksandra Hryhorieva, Nina Basset mentioned: “Working within that team is very important because hospitality demands an awful lot of you in terms of the hours you put in. Working within a team of people, you have to have a camaraderie. It becomes an extended family. If you don’t like people, there’s no point in it. And that’s the first really important thing”.

We are definitely sure the ASI Team has replenished with a top-class professional, taking into account the philosophy and professional experience.

Our congratulations!

Photo: facebook.com/asisomms
