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Я підтверджую, що мені, на жаль, давно виповнилося 18 роківInspired after the first successful year of the Wine Travel Awards the first digital edition of WTA Discovery was issued.
Having wine & spirits professionals and trendsetters from more than 30 different countries in our WTA community and traveling all across Europe with the WTA project, we believe that we have many interesting stories to tell you.
WTA Discovery is strict-to-the-point announcements which was moved into the WTA newsletter. Therefore, in this WTA Discovery digital edition, content related to the project’s updates and deadlines, useful information for business regarding trends, events and personalities in the wine tourism world can be found. The format is easy to scan and lets you explore the subject more by following the link to the material on the official website.
Let’s see the first WTA Discovery in details:
If you have any thoughts to share – we’d love to hear from you!
To subscribe to the WTA discovery go to winetravelawards.com and fill out the form.