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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Yang Shen

A unique project – unique personalities. Mr. Yang Shen – Estate Director of Cloudy Bay, has joined the 2023-2024 WTA jury pool


The Wine Travel Awards team, which has united representatives of the wine world from all continents on its territory, is opening its third year. We are happy and proud to announce that Mr. Yang Shen, Estate Director of Cloudy Bay (one of New Zealand’s most outstanding wine companies), has joined our team as a judge.

Mr. Yang Shen was born in Chengdu, in the Chinese province of Sichuan. He fondly remembers his first wine experience – a bottle from China’s oldest winery, ChangYu. But the discovery of the wine world in its global sense happened when Yang Shen’s uncle Michel Xu introduced his nephew to a French wine. At that moment, the future began taking shape. Yang went to France where he studied Viticulture and Enology at the Macon-Davaye Wine High School, then University de Montpellier (Enology/wine making) and Montesquieu University Bordeaux.

Cloudy Bay

During his career, Mr. Yang Shen held senior positions in such global corporations as Moët Hennessy, Diageo and Chandon China.

Domaine Chandon China became a complex and unforgettable experience. No wonder! Building an oasis in the desert, starting everything from scratch is quite a challenging task. However this task was completed with 100 points, like everything that Mr. Yang undertakes. Now the production of Chandon China is increasing every year and for that, without a doubt, the credit must be given to the former Estate Director of the winery: Mr. Shen laid a solid foundation that is now bearing fruit.

In 2016, armed with experience, knowledge and fluency in three languages, Mr. Yang found himself running Cloudy Bay, the winery, which Veuve Clicquot invested in from 1990 and in 2003 became part of the LVMH family, the world leader in the luxury industry. Currently, Cloudy Bay is a shining beacon of quality and synonymous with prestige on the New Zealand wine map.

Cloudy Bay

We are pleased to welcome Mr. Yang Shen on the Wine Travel Awards jury. For our young project, this is a great honor and support, as well as a wonderful prospect for expanding the geography of our community, educational horizons and professional opportunities.

Photo: Cloudy Bay
