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Gastronomy and Wine Portal

Wines of Ukraine

“Compliments and contracts”: Wines of Ukraine summing up their impressions of the London Wine Fair 2024

03.06.2024, News Автор: Victoria Makarova

The London Wine Fair 2024, which took place at Olympia from 20th to 22nd May, has attracted over 9,200 visitors, with 31% from the on-trade and 22% from off-trade.

Although the number of visitors was slightly down compared to 2023, the quality was most definitely up, which was confirmed both by the organizers and participants. In total, there were 401 exhibitors at this year’s Fair, coming to London from all around the world. Apart from major international producers, such as Hatch Mansfield, Felix Solis, ABS and Mentzendorff, which returned after an absence of 12 years, there were national pavilions which showcased producers from the key winemaking regions of the New and the Old World. Among others, Japan was present for the first time, with a national pavilion focusing on sake.

Wines of Ukraine

Second time in a row, Wines of Ukraine participated in the London Wine Fair with our national pavilion too, showcasing 15 wine and spirit producers from various regions of Ukraine, including two UK-based businesses owned by Ukrainians. The Ukrainian stand was attended by a significant number of visitors, among them — journalists, bloggers, international buyers, sommeliers and HoReCa representatives, as well as opinion leaders and wine celebrities, who were thoroughly impressed by a wide range of wines from still to sparkling and naturally sweet, as well as original Ukrainian spirits.

Wines of Ukraine

Anatoly Pavlovsky, Brand ambassador for UA Wines UK, who was presenting Ukrainian wines at the national stand, shares his impressions of this year‘s event: 

“By our estimate, throughout the three days of the fair we had the opportunity to communicate with approximately 800-900 visitors. The organizers reported that the exhibition was visited by more than 9,000 people — therefore, we can say that every tenth participant of the exhibition took a special interest in Ukrainian wine.” According to Anatoly, this year Ukrainian stand was visited by fewer buyers from large retail chains looking for cheaper, mass-market wines, but interest from the HoReCa segment and wine boutiques, as well as from smaller retailers, has increased significantly, especially considering that many of the wines presented in the national pavillion are now available to order in the UK. “As always, Odessa Black and Telti-Kuruk were favorites among visitors, getting many compliments. However, our other local varieties — Sukholymansky and Citron of Magarach — also received lots of favorable reviews. Interest in unusual, local and indigenous varieties is growing every year,” comments Pavlovsky.


Discover the Taste of Ukraine, a master-class and commented tasting, which took place at the LWF on May 22 and was hosted by Richard Bampfield, Master of Wine from the UK, and Svitlana Tsybak, Wines of Ukraine representative and CEO Beykush winery, was a tremendous success. The speakers presented 6 Ukrainian wineries and 6 wines from different regions and unique terroirs:

  • Carpathian Sekt Rose Brut Blaufrankisch by Château Chizay (Zakarpattia)
  • Duo Select by Bolgrad (Odesa region)
  • Telti-Kuruk by Beykush (Mykolaiv region)
  • Odesa Black Premium by Villa Tinta (Odesa region)
  • Haut de Gamme by Kolonist (Odesa region)
  • Cabernet Sauvignon Iukuridze Family Wine Heritage by SHABO (Odesa region).

“The educational zone where the master class and tasting took place was full, the guests were impressed and rather enthusiastic, asking a lot of questions. Every event of this scale is a wonderful opportunity to reach international wine professionals and continue spreading the word about Ukrainian winemaking around the world. We do hope that all the compliments gathered by our wines will convert into new export contracts,” says Svitlana Tsybak.

Wines of Ukraine

“It was an honour for me to co-present with Svitlana at the recent London Wine Fair and to get to know many of the producers on the Wines of Ukraine stand, which was, happily, highly popular throughout the 3 days. It is obvious that we can support Ukraine’s economy by buying the country’s wines. And make no mistake, the wines merit their place on wine lists on quality grounds — not just as a gesture of solidarity. As a result of the efforts of Svitlana and her brilliant team the wines of many of the top Ukrainian producers are available in the United Kingdom and in many export markets,” comments Richard Bampfield, MW.

Wines of Ukraine

Ukrainian wines have gained international acknowledgement, and professional interest and awareness are growing, due to the efforts of the Wines of Ukraine team, as well as daily work, talent and passion of Ukrainian winemakers. 

Wines of Ukraine

Wines of Ukraine’s participation in the London Wine Fair was supported by the international cooperation program ReACT4UA (Application and implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine in the sphere of trade) funded by the German government. The strategic implementor of the program is the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The program is aimed at supporting the economic stability, recovery and growth of Ukraine, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially with regard to accession to the EU.
